Chapter 10: The Black Haired Wizard

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The door was carefully closed as Anthanasia requested to be alone.

It was hard to believe she had been unconscious for two months.

Something must have happened during that time with the unresolved poisoning case.

She laid her head on a pillow and stared up to the ceiling in thought before letting out a sigh and turning to her balcony.

“AH!” She screamed as she jumped back unto the bed in shock at the person who was leaning over her bed.

“Why don’t you scream a little louder? I don’t think the whole palace has heard you yet.” The black haired wizard from early in the day said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

“H, how did you get in here?” Anthanasia asked alarmed slowly crouching backwards.

“How else? Magic, duh. It doesn’t take a genius to know that. But I didn’t come here to teach you how to count. I came here to bargain”

She suddenly found herself on the couch in her room and the wizard on the sofa in front of her, which amazed her but she figured out that it was magic.

“B, bargain what?” Anthanasia asked cautiously, as it wasn’t good to let your guard down when someone suddenly appeared in your room at NIGHT.

“Name whatever you want and I’ll give it to you.”


“I’ll give you anything you want in exchange for some of your mana”


“And she doesn’t even know what mana is. How will I put it in idiot language…hmm…mana is your magical energy”

“I know what mana is” Anthanasia huffed while crossing her arms and asking a question. “So you’ll give me WHATEVER I want”

“Do I need to repeat it twice?”
“There’s nothing I’ve particularly ever wanted…” Anthanasia murmured looking into the air deep in thought, completely forgetting the fact that she was supposed to keep her guard up. But eh, not of that mattered.
Father’s love.
She quickly shook of the idea and thought of another thing.
“A friend. I’ve always wanted a friend. Yeah I want a best friend”
“Pssht. Easy”
Then out of thin air a paper and pen appeared which Lucas handed over to Anthanasia. She read the paper and realized it was a contract and picked up the pen to sign, but furrowed her eyebrows as she read it properly.

Anthanasia de Alger Obelia agrees to give all her mana to Lucas in exchange for a best friend.
Anthanasia’s signature: _________________________
Lucas’ signature: _______________________

“What do you mean by ALL my mana? If you take all of it, then I’ll have none left”

“Oh is that’s what’s there? Well it must be a spelling error. I’ll make sure not to take everything so you can just sign it as its just paper” He said calmly encouraging her to sign the paper
Anthanasia further furrowed her eyebrows as she examined the paper then through it in his face.

“You con artist. Trying to scam me right in front of my eyes!”

“Are you crazy? I have the power to destroy you and your little empire. And I’m not a con artist. My name is Lucas, an underpaid wizard”

“Well, mister ‘underpaid’, go figure out the rest of you pay, but I’m not being cheated. I know a magic contract when I see one”


The paper glowed and the ‘all her mana’ part changed to ‘quarter of her mana’ which she gave a satisfying nod before, signing it and rolling up the paper.

“It’s done” He suddenly disappeared in thin air only living traces of sparkles behind him.

She shrugged it off and went back to sleep having a peaceful night.


It was as if morning had come the minute she had laid down to sleep because her body felt as if she had been awake for ten days. She stalked slowly to the breakfast table greeting Lily as she yawned loudly.

“Did Your Highness not sleep well?”

“Ah, I did…..

“But you look a bit paler. Do you have a fever?” Lily asked while examining Anthanasia’s temperature.

‘I’m quite alright. Thank you for your concern”

“Your Highness, I wanted to tell you after your breakfast but I’m too excited to wait” A letter sealed with the royal seal of Obelia was brought out of Lily’s pocket as she gave it to Anthanasia.

“He’s currently in the drawing room waiting for you when you’re ready to see him”

She read the letter thrice to make sure she read it properly and a fourth time to make sure.

{Princess Anthanasia’s request of having an official friend has been replied and your selected candidate has been affirmed. Lucas has hereby been signed as Princess Anthanasia’s friend}

It was a two lined letter but why the heck was it in such a big envelope! That was the first thing she wondered then thought of the fact that she was assigned a friend like a six year old.

For the love of Obelia, she was sixteen.
And for the most important thing, she had never requested for a friend much less this Lucas person.

That was when the boy who had an ever present grin imprinted on his face, from last night, came into her head.

From the moment she received the letter, her days took a turn and looked, frustrating.

“You said you wanted the best friend so here I am”

“I said I want ‘A’ best friend. Hear the ‘A’ not ‘THE’, and you’re not even THE best friend! You’re not the best in anything except being super annoying!"

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