Chapter 43: My Own Hands

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"When Princess Anthanasia turned fourteen years old, her sister who had been kept secret was revealed.

Years after, Anthanasia was framed for poisoning Jennette and was executed per the orders of Emperor Claude"

A scene appeared before Anthanasia and Anastacius. It was a familiar scene to Anthanasia.

It was the day of her debut in which Jennette was introduced.

"So you're telling me that she's my daughter" Claude sat on his throne, looking like the mightiest being in the entire world. The usually cold and indifferent expression held a faint trace of entertainment.

His eyes wandered from Anthanasia who was watching then to Jennette whose head was bowed. "Interesting"

"What's the point of showing me what's already happened?"

"I'm not showing you what's already happened. I'm showing you how the story begins" Anastacius replied.

He cast a spell and the images continued to play.
The scene changed to times were Claude doted on Jennette. Buying whatever she wanted. Listening to her with the utmost concentration. Dropping almost anything to spend time with her.

While caring for his newly discovered daughter, he continued to ignore Anthanasia and even began to act cruelly towards her.

The difference in the way how the two princess' were treated was plainly stated and observed by everyone in the whole Empire.

People had already come to assume that Jennette would take the Obelian throne. Even Anthanasia had come to accept the fact.

However some people who supported Jennette's succession to the throne felt the need to further secure her coronation.

Jennette's aunt, Countess Rosalina Margareta schemed against Anthanasia. The woman saw Anthanasia as an eyesore and wanted to get rid of her existence.

It was a normal day were Anthanasia and  Jennette were having a small conversation over tea, in which Anthanasia had hosted. Suddenly Jennette vomited blood and fainted after drinking her tea.

Anthanasia stared down at Jennette's body in horror. All the maids shrieked due to the scene.

The guards and the Emperor were swiftly made aware of the situation. After some investigation, some evidence and testimonies from some servants, a conclusion was reached.

Princess Anthanasia was found guilty of poisoning Princess Jennette.

A week after Jennette's poisoning, she finally woke up. By that time the date of Anthanasia's execution was already settled for the next day.

Time and time again, Anthanasia claimed that she was innocent. Nobody believed her despite there being no solid evidence that she was the one who orchestrated the poisoning.

This was partly because Emperor Claude was showing his obvious antagonism towards Anthanasia. Continuously condemning her in the courts of law. Stating his eagerness to execute her.

Another reason why Anthanasia was not believed was because she was the most likely suspect. Jennette was known for her kind demeanor and had not made any enemy.

Only Anthanasia would have a grudge against her. The poisoning was seen as an attempt to claim her succession rights which was slipping away due to Jennette's existence.

Unknown to everybody, Rosalina was behind the poisoning. She got some trusted maids to put a poison in Jennette's tea.

The poison was slightly harmful, but not enough to kill a person. It was mixed with an overdose of sleeping drugs which kept Jennette unconscious for a week.

During that time, the servants under her gave false testimonies which had been planned and backed up by fabricated evidence.

Jennette had awoken the day Anthanasia's execution date had reached.

The shouts of people saying Anthanasia needed to be killed vibrated in her ears. Her eyes were swollen after continuous crying while begging to be released.

She was dragged by the prison guard with some chains which were bound around her neck, hands and feet.

The silver blade of the guillotine reflected the sunlight and showed her disheveled reflection.

"No. I can't die for something I didn't do. Why does it have to be like this" Anthanasia raised her head to look at Claude who sat on a throne placed at the top of a highly elevated platform.

A flicker of hope flashed through her eyes but quickly diminished after she saw the look of hatred etched across his face.

Agony overtook her mind and she screamed. "Why don't you believe me?! I didn't do it!"

Claude's eyes were cold as he gazed down at her silently . The executioner began to raise up the guillotine blade and pushed Anthanasia's neck into the hole. The shouts from onlookers continued.

"Wait" Claude's command rang through the whole execution ground. All the people watching held their breaths as they saw him stand up from his throne and walk down the steps. He gestured towards his guard, Felix "Bring her here. Then pull her chains"

Hearing his words, hope sparked in Anthanasia's heart.

The crimson haired knight obeyed then brought Anthanasia close to the Emperor and pulled her chains off.

The feeling of freedom around her body came and she felt relaxed. Before she got time to react, the sound of a sword being unsheathed was heard.

In a swift move Claude raised the hilt of Felix's sword and hit it against Anthanasia's shoulder.

The pain made her fall to the ground, right at Claude's feet.

"I will only be satisfied if you're killed by my own hands" Claude raised the sword and pointed the blade at Anthanasia's stomach.

Without any hesitation he stabbed Anthanasia's stomach then repeated it multiple times. Blood soaked the ground and Anthanasia's body which quickly  became lifeless.

So, I haven't updated for over a month! The reason was because I had been seriously studying for a major exam which I just finished writing.

I quickly got back to writing a chapter so as to not keep the readers waiting for any longer.

And also, to be honest, I've been really struggling to write a chapter.

It's not that I have writer's block or anything, I know exactly what is supposed to be written in each chapter. I even take down notes.

It's just that I've not been motivated to write.

Lately most readers have been silent. Votes and comments are what usually drive me to write, but lately, there's been barely any, while there are a lot of reads😕.

I love hearing readers thoughts and enjoy when they vote. I don't earn anything from writing stories on this platform but I do this in order to hear what people think about them and communicate with people 😊

All I earn is your recognition :)

So make sure to vote and comment on all the chapters you read! 😉

From your lonely author :(

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