Chapter 18: Things to Talk About

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Tlp. Tlp. Tlp. Tlp. Tlp. Tlp

"Could you read a book any louder?" Lucas asked annoyed by the sound of flipping pages.

"I welcome you to leave anytime, your Highness." Anthanasia said continuing her reading and ignoring Lucas.

"Ugh, I came here for you to entertain me, yet all you do is read" Lucas said rolling on the couch.

"What are you doing here anyways? Don't you have too much time on your hands to be the wizard of the magic tower?"

"There's nothing important for me to do there. And besides, I am your best friend, aren't I?" He said with a sly grin and dodged a pillow which Anthanasia threw.

"For the love of Obelia, you are not my best friend!! You are maybe the best at being annoying, but not my best friend!"

"But does that mean I'm still your friend?"


"Or are you going to say no?" He looked at Anthanasia who wasn't going to refute and came to her side and poked her "He-he. Or am I more than a friend? I knew it was about time before you fell for my beauty~

What was it the chimera calls you, ah, Athy~"

"If you want to have a future, get out!" Anthanasia said pointing her finger at him obviously agitated.

"Won't you pity this overworking boy who needs a place to rest?"

She ignored him and continued her reading.

"Princess" Felix said shyly as he quietly came with something at his back. Lily entered with a tray and set it in front of Anthanasia.

"Sir Felix, said I should teach him how to make chocolate cookies and chocolate based drinks, so he made some snacks for the princess." She came in closer and whispered into Anthanasia's ear. "He tried over and over again and is really shy to give the princess"

He dropped a plastic bag on the tray and ran away probably going to cry somewhere.

"Felix wait!" Lily said running after him.

Anthanasia blinked back surprise and took a small bite out of the cookie.

'Is this heaven?!'

Due to her not being administered, that day Obelia found out the meaning of being 'drunk on chocolate'.

"He-he, it's been a long time since you did my hair like this" Jennette snickered as she looked in the mirror and smiled at Anthanasia. "You made Athy's hair look nice, Ijekiel"

"I never thought the day where the heir of Alpheus would do my hair, would come?" Anthanasia smiling brightly.

"It was my honor" Ijekiel said bowing slightly.

Hanging out with Ijekiel for the past two weeks was really interesting as his father and high nobles were staying over in the palace.

He wasn't as bad as Anthanasia imagined him. Well he wasn't like his father at all.

"And this is just a passing comment, but you shouldn't beat yourself up in becoming exactly like your father. He has his weakness', you have yours. You have your strengths, he has his" Anthanasia said continuing the conversation about his future uncertainties.

"He also loves you~" Jennette chirped while turning around. "Which father wouldn't be proud of having such a responsible son?"

Each day passed even more peacefully than the last and the world was right the way it was.

The day of the ball came and everyone was shocked when Emperor Claude and Anthanasia came inside together side by side and sat at his right side of the throne.

People found this very interesting and even those not in attendance had heard of the Princess Anthanasia being the emperor's companion.

Different rumors and questions circulated in the society.

Had Princess Jennette fallen out with the Emperor?
Had Princess Anthanasia finally been able to bewitch the Emperor?
Had the Emperor finally chosen to acknowledge Princess Anthanasia?

The second one appeared most likely as she appeared like a desperate daughter who would do anything for the throne.

It came time for the Emperor and Anthanasia to dance. They took the stage beautifully and seemed like a parent and child out of a fairytale scene.

Anthanasia gathered up all the courage she had been gaining over the month ever since he said she would be his companion for the ball "Your Majesty, how come you chose me as your escort?"

He ignored the question and the dance continued for twenty minutes and ended.

"Just because" Emperor Claude said towards Anthanasia.


"I chose you as my escort just because"

'Wow, it took you twenty minutes to answer that question'

The import rate increase was announced, which meant another thing for people to talk about. The ball ended as usual; everyone bowing before the imperial family till they leave.

The imperial family walked majestically, up the stairs. Just as Emperor Claude was on the last step "Krugh" Blood spilled on the carpet from his mouth as everyone gazed in shock at the sight of the emperor vomiting blood then falling to the ground.

Now people had three things to talk about.

"H, he ju, j, just fell and started v, vom-iting bl, b, blood! It was horrible Lily. W, why?" Anthanasia said crying in horror into Lily's arms.

It seemed that the past days had all been a lie.


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