pick up lines

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are you from tennessee? cause you're the only ten-i-see.
- he would instantly regret it cause of how cringe he sounded
- you would both laugh so hard after

if you were a transformer, you'd be optimus fine
- he's adorable about it, but said it with confidence
- you found that hilarious, but also pretty entertaining

well, here i am. what are your other two wishes?
- he'd be cocky as hell about it
- you would roll your eyes at him and laugh

there is something wrong with my cell phone, it doesn't have your number in it.
- he would get all shy after
- you just found it adorable how cute he was being about it

did your license get suspended for driving all these people crazy?
- it would remind you of drivers license by olivia rodrigo
- then you both would go into her room and scream the lyrics

do you believe in love at first sight? or should i walk by again?
- you would say you do believe in it
- she would make sure and literally walk by you again

did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
- she would hug you after
- you would find her absolutely adorable

COBRA KAI,  imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now