expect the unexpected* - terry

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WARNINGS: smut, swearing, choking, degradation, dancing, bobby throws a party,  underage drinking, before y'all even start you are on the pill🤨
CREDIT: myself
WORDS: 5268
(idk if the song works for you guys but the song is love game by lady gaga, so if it doesn't just play it in the background or something)

Your finger flicked the light switch to your bedroom on, the bright light burned your eyes and you shrieked. You had just taken the best shower of your life, and now you were on your way to a party Bobby was throwing due to his parents being out of town.

You were Johnny's older, hotter cousin, and you had met the cobra kai boys because of him. You had only met the friend group, though, you hadn't met the infamous John Kreese or the talented Terry Silver who the boys had talked so highly about.

Tonight was the night though, and knowing you were pretty close with Johnny, and he preferred you over his parents. He wanted you to meet them. He was proud of himself, but he was proud of how he was eligible to join the karate dojo in the first place.

Loud music blared throughout your fairly large home, as you took off your towel and danced in the mirror to your favorite song. You still didn't know what to wear, and you didn't want to under or over dress for the occasion, so you quickly through your comfy clothing on and grabbed your telephone.

You rang Bobby's number, and he answered almost instantly.

"Hey it's Bobby, what do you want?" His immediate annoyance caused you to laugh, and you told him that it was just you, and that you were curious about the dress code for the party.

"Don't wear a ballroom dress but still look super hot." He blatantly answered. "Well, gee, thanks, that helps me so much."

He chuckled, "Nothing too fancy. Just take a basic outfit that you would wear out and add some accessories, like some expensive necklace and earrings and it'll turn the outfit to fancy. Just no sweatpants or hoodies. You gotta get a good impression for Sensei tonight," He teased. He could feel your eye roll through the phone.

"Which Sensei again, didn't you say there was two? Also, is it okay if I bring Cam?" You questioned Bobby.

Camilla Quinn is your best friend sense the sixth grade. She is so beautiful, and you and her are an amazing duo together. You go to basically every remotely fun event together, and you figured, you could set her up with the other Sensei. You didn't know which one Bobby had in mind for you, but Cam is a very friendly person, she could easily adapt to either of them even if it's just for the night.

"Yes, please do." Bobby said, and that was all he could say. Bobby had always had a little crush on Cam, but he stood no chance. Bobby was seventeen and Cam was twenty-four, as were you. Bobby he figured if he couldn't have her, he would set her up with the next best man and who's better than his Karate Sensei?

You had told Cam the details and she was coming to your house at around 7:45pm so the two of you could arrive in style, together.

"Don't get any ideas. Okay, I'm going to get ready. Party starts at 8, right?" You looked at the time and it read 6:45pm, just enough time to get ready and get there. "Yes."

"You need help getting anything ready?" You always had to offer that, it was just something you always did, even though they never needed help setting up. "No, thanks for offering though."

After a few more minutes of small talk with Bobby, you both hung up and you began to figure out your outfit situation. You didn't want to overdress, but if you underdressed you wouldn't look as good as everybody else.

You were debating on a simple red dress that was cut a little above the knee, or a dark green satin dress that flowed down to your ankles. The satin dress seemed a little like overdoing it, and with the red one you could do what Bobby said by adding jewelry to make it look more presentable. Plus, you hated the feeling of skimpy heels anyway, so by wearing the red, your big, black combat boots matched perfectly.

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