i need advice again

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so idk if I'm going to hoco with the guy who asked me.

basically he isn't ready for a relationship which is fine I'm not either but I wanna know why he asked me to homecoming them and what were going as bc if he's just expecting me to go with him and then like never talk to him again then that's stupid.

like he walked me to every class today and I'm unsure of what I should do today because idk if that means him telling me I'm too annoying so he wants me to stop walking with him or talking to him but idk and I need help

I'm assuming he fell asleep doing his school work yesterday because he hasn't been answering me sense after my game yesterday, he did come to my game and we got a photo and stuff but then after he left we was gonna FaceTime me to tell me this but I wasn't home yet, so he texted me and told me he wasn't ready for a relationship.

then I asked if he still wanted to go to homecoming, he said yes. I'm just curious bc in my past relationships/talking stages whatever the hell this is I always had to ask for what I wanted instead of them already knowing which was fine but it's getting kind of annoying and repetitive

so idk what to help pls guys

should I just leave him alone? like I can't tell if he likes me or not and he's not ready for a relationship but he came to my game yesterday and walked me to every class so I'm so lost rn and I am so tired mentally and physically tbh like I want him to be my hoco date but if he is just gonna ask me without a sign and that shit then idk if I want to tbh, my past boyfriends have made me know my worth

okay please please don't ghost read I need advice and if you're a real one you'll help me bc I rlly need it I'm someone who overthinks a lot so please help me with putting a stop to that.

thanks guys, bye

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