life update wooo

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Hi guys, so my life has been a very of doubtful lately and I feel like I need to share it with someone and you guys are people that I trust and get great advice from so I'm gonna tell you.

By the way, I am using text to speech because I have a long ass nails for the homecoming dance tomorrow LMFAOO

I got asked to homecoming WOOOO Mike, tj and I are just going as friends, but when he first asked me, I did not know that, and he made sure that we were on the same page, I'm honestly happy he told me because if he didn't, I would've gotten attached because I do that a lot not gonna lie💀

And then, I got voted homecoming court! It was very unexpected, because I was expecting the blonde, blue-eyed white girls to win, but then I realized that nobody really likes them because they're mean that's what my friend told me, I went to school like elementary school with a few of them, so I know if they're mean, but some of them I thought would win over me💀

Today was the homecoming parade and football game. We lost LMFAO but I had a really fun time aside from me getting rejected. Because apparently the guy I liked and was flirting with us for like the past week, has been talking to someone as we were flirting so technically, it's not my fault, but I'm a little mad, so I just texted him and asked him why he was flirting with me when he was literally talking to someone but yeah and like the girl that he was talking to she's really nice and then she was like she felt so bad and I felt bad because she felt bad you know so like I told her I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated with him but like he's literally my ex so we're not gonna live about it

But yeah, so before tonight I was having my little the summer. I turned pretty moment with my current guy, best friend and the kid I talked to you guys about earlier and like above yeah but like yeah I'm not gonna see his name because I'm not petty like that and like I told my friend I was like girl if you want him then you go for it like if he likes you and if you like him then go for it I'm not gonna stop you. I'm not normally petty like that , but I'm not even mad at her I'm just mad at him like why the hell would you flew with me while you're talking to someone and he just texted me and said that they've been talking since like the beginning of school year OK well if it's a serious and don't be flirting with me like my friend literally told me that at soccer practice today the guy I'm talking about was talking to my friend about how much he liked me and then he goes off and continue talking to this girl when he apparently likes me so much so whatever but I am doing great right now guys

But I need to get cheered up for tomorrow because it is the homecoming dance and I do have a date, even though we're going as friends still going to be very fun because him and his friend are taking me to a restaurant and then we're getting pictures with them and my friend and her date and then we're going to the dance so I'm very excited and I hope I have fun Because I was kind of happy I didn't let myself get too attached to my ex because he's honestly not nice and like the thing is though like I love his parents so much like they literally told me that I am the favorite person that he's dated and that it probably won't change and so that made me feel so special because apparently they love me so much and like I don't know, I feel like like definitely if parents chose who the kids dated they would 100% choose me but since jaydyn is an asshole he's not gonna choose me and that she was the girl who she doesn't even know but it's OK I'm not gonna be petty but she actually doesn't really pretty so she doesn't deserve to be technically I'm not enough for cheating but it's cheating the talking stage and she' does not deserve that.

I don't know what else to say, I love you guys, have a great day/night I wish you all healthy this and money go get that bank you beautiful human being, I love you all. Thank you for listening to yet another one of my awesome rants because you guys are some of the only people that I can go to and get multiple opinions so I love you all so much I'm so tired, and I'm so sorry if a lot of this is messed up Like I said, I'm using text to speech. Bye-bye 👋 I love you MWAH

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