dating yasmine would include...

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- she would have a sweet spot for you

- you would always have her back

- random hugs

- the most random dance parties

- she would love cuddling

- she would go off on someone who's mean to you

- she would have a hard time figuring out her sexuality, and you help her throughout the whole thing

- she would love to give like deep hugs where she wraps her legs around your waist

- always cheering her up if she's sad

- getting a bit frustrated when she was being mean to Aisha

- convincing her to apologize to Aisha

- she loves binge watching tv shows with you

- she would find it super attractive when you talked about things that you enjoy

- you guys would always be at each other's houses

- she gives off switch vibes tbh
- she seems like she would have a thing for sex toys
- feel like she would love dirty talk
- you guys would switch whose dominant, so like at times it's you and at other times it's her
- seems like another kinky bitch

COBRA KAI,  imagines and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now