you talk negative about yourself

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requested by Mirelle1002

"Cariño (sweetheart)? Why are you saying that?"
-let's you rant to him
-he'd be rubbing your back the whole time

"Well, no ones perfect. But cut yourself some slack alright?"
-puts on your favorite show/movie
-cuddles with you to cheer you up

"Stop that, I love you for a reason babe. You're perfect in my eyes, remember that."
-would constantly remind you of how much he loves you
-lots of head/forehead kisses

"Baby you're beautiful, tell me what's wrong"
-would let you lay your head on his lap
-would play with your hair while you talk to him

"Tell me why you think that."
-the sweetest mf ever I stg
-she would comfort you and listen to what you had to say, then tell you everything she loves about you

"If you say that one more fucking time I am literally going to slap you across the face"
-would tell you to respectfully shut tf up
-she wouldn't know how to comfort you so she would just let you lay with her

-she'd gently grab your face
-reminds you of how much she appreciates and loves you you, and how she chose you to be her girlfriend for a reason

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