Drowing in life

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It feels like I'm drowningInside of my headAnd I'm waiting for someoneTo help me instead

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It feels like I'm drowning
Inside of my head
And I'm waiting for someone
To help me instead

Not judge me
Or scare me
Or tell me to wait
One second or minute, but I'm too afraid

To wait any longer
In ocean so deep
Cause drowning won't stop
It makes me so weak

And I want that to stop
The drowning inside
Cause nobody knows
What happends at night

When I lay in my bed
And I think about life
And how much I hate it
Cause it's just not right

But life's never right
It's just never fair
Cause it gives you pain
And makes you aware

Of happiest moments
That comes and just goes
And how much you need
To cherish them most

And finally when
Some'll help me instead
Of just waiting for me
To stop drowning in head

Then I'll learn
How to cherish myself
And the life and the moments
And that someone that helped

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