Forty six

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Sam walked through the iron bar gates with her shoes in her hand, her shoelace is missing and the desk officer claimed he doesn't know where it is, she didn't want to waste time arguing with him she just want to get the hell outta this place

Across the streets, Harvey leaned against a silver car. He looked devilishly handsome in his tight jeans, black sweatshirt and a big jean jacket on his white sneakers, he had on a pair of sunglasses.

Sam had to agree it was a view to behold from where she was standing

Somehow Sam had concluded he wouldn't come, she had cut off communication with him since she got here, she had been really tough on him but of course he didn't relent and she's grateful for that.

And that put a big smile on her face, she can't help it she's so happy to see him waiting out here for her, she crossed over to meet him, maybe she was expecting him to jump at her with a big hug or smile at her. Do anything but give her a straight face and say.

"Good to see you Sam. Get in "
And that was it

Was he not happy to see her
Or maybe she was expecting too much from a guy she hasn't seen in eighteen months, so much can happen in that period

He is Harvey Pierce for Christ sake
Everyone's spec, he is the king of flirt and dynamic super playboy

Was she really expecting Harvey to stay single all the while she was locked in prison. Its not like she made any commitment whatsoever to him before she left, if anything she made it clear to him that they can not be romantically involved and seeing him now he had never been better. Looks like he did move on afterall.

Harvey wasn't able to track down Marie in eighteen months, The one thing Sam insisted on before she left was to make sure Simon and Marie were safe.

He had promised himself that he was going to find Marie and bring her to see Sam on the day she got out of Prison. Not only will that make her extremely happy, it would also prove to her that he wasn't completely useless but eighteen months later.

No Marie, No surprise, still useless.
He had failed.

Even John fucking Boston couldn't find, no one had seen her since she left them on that highway after her fight with Sam. No one has a clue about her whereabouts

Simon had screened the nook and cranny of the whole country for her, he checked shopping malls, hotels airports, streets, bars, hospitals  everywhere but couldn't find her.

Wherever she is, she's making a great deal of effort to not be found. Harvey knew if it was Sam, she wouldn't stop until she track Marie down that's how dedicated she can be.

Time flies so quickly and here she is sitting beside him in his car.

Now she's a blondie... Sam is indeed full of surprises

When she walked out through the gates looking all golden and fiesty, Harvey couldn't help but drool.

She was wearing a big khaki jumpsuit with her shoes in hand, her shorter blond hair bouncing as she jogged her way towards him. Looking so cute and carefree, He lost his breath for a few second she still has that effect on him.

She was smiling, Sam was actually smiling. But why would she be smiling. Is she trying to make fond of him, is there something on his face. Is it his shoes, Damn... He knew those sneakers were wrong, Simon insisted he wear them now it has earn a smiling remark from Sam which is weird. So weird

It is very rare to see Sam smiling although it is The most beautiful smile he had ever seen, the way her face lights up and her eyes glitters he wish he could take a picture of her smiling and frame it in his room.

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