Sixty five

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They agreed to meet up by 2:45 at a bar off route, Harvey found the place before hand when he took a drive to town to buy toiletries

It was a small bar in the middle of nowhere and Harvey had spoken to the owner about letting him use the place for meeting before the bar opens by evening.

When they got there Sam didn't bother asking how he managed to arrange such a place, he always have his way with people

They ordered for beer while they waited for Helen except Sam who couldn't drink. A lady in her mid thirties was on stage rehearsing to perform tonight in the bar

Her voice was a mix of crack and vibration, she had the keys messed up and she couldn't keep a tune for too long.

Harvey felt bad for the bar owner who was staring at the awaiting disaster

Harvey moved closer to the bald headed man with long beards

"It Mr Ortiz right"

"Yes... But you can call me Alfonso or Al"

"Sure Al..... Are you really going to let her perform tonight with that kinda rehearsal "

"I know she's a mess but how can I tell her nicely that her singing makes my ears bleed. How do you tell your own sister she is an awful singer"

"Ohhh she's your sister "

"Yeah, when Tanya was younger she use to sing like an angel and hit those notes like it stroll round heaven's gate but now she's a disaster, high on drugs, lonely depressed single mother of three kids. Honestly I just let her climb on that stage to encourage her , she's in her own world in her head. That's why I let her rock her stage on Mondays when the bar is the least crowded , I Even give out free booze to make the few people in the house cheer up for her"

"Wow... You are a great brother Al.... Tanya is lucky to have you "

"I just try man "

Harvey moved to the small stage and unplug the microphone

"What the hell. Who the fuck is this"
Tanya yelled at him

"Hi Tanya, am Harvey and I have a preposition for you "

"What is that "

"It a contract, do you have a manager or someone who can stand in for during this meeting "

"No.... I mean yes, Al come o'er here. We have a preposition "

"What " Al said moving to them

"Hello Mr Al" Harvey shook his hands and he was confused

"I want Tanya to play for me and my friends tonight but I won't pay you a cent if you sing the way you just did"

"Are You insulting my music "

"Have listened to your tracks it just not the same anymore. I don't think you are as passionate about music as you were before "

"Of course I am "

"Then prove it, I'll even help you rehearse. You just have to do better"

"For how much"

"Let's say 10grand"

"Whaaat" both Alfonso and Tanya were shocked by Harvey's offer

"Do You need to put this in writing "

"Are You sure sir" Alfonso asked to confirm

"Yes Al, I want to hear Tanya sing like before"

"Fine let's do this " Tanya cheered up

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