Before Sam came home last night, she went back to the cafe to check on Donna. She did alot of thinking after she left Theo on the highway and return back home.
Donna was so devastated by the news of Quincy's murder. Sam knew she was close to Quincy, they use to snag a donuts box together in Quincy's office and drink beer.
That was like the only time Quincy would let herself Unwhine and gist like a little girlQuincy loved drinking beer though
Around the time Sam got back to the cafe, Donna was rounding off her shift, so Sam waited for her to finish working and they took a table at the back
"You came back "
"Yeah am sorry I spinned that sour news on you like that. I know how much Quincy meant to you"
She sniffled and blew her nose with a tissue
"I wish there was something I could have done "
"You cannot outsmart Craig at killing people that is his specialty. Look am really sorry for your loss, I really am but there's nothing we can do to bring her back now"
Donna reluctantly agreed
"Remember when I adviced you to leave the country with your husband and not look back. Well I want to help you and You are going to start making plans right now but I need you to do something for me first "
Sam looked out the window
"What is that" Donna cleared the fog in her throat
"I dont know if you have noticed people keeping a close watch on you like someone is trailing You "
"Are You sure"
"Coz I caught a spy right outside the cafe earlier on"
"Oh God,..... A spy, what did you do... I mean that's not important am sure you handled it but why would he place a spy on me. I have nothing to hide"
"Donna I think you trust too easily for someone who worked at prime agency for so long. You shouldn't be surprised at the level at which people are willing to go for power. He wouldn't want you to ruin his reputation at the slight chance that you get. But what I don't understand is why he has to put a spy on you when he can just track down your chip"
"I don't have a chip on me"
"Oh please. Every agent has a chip one way or the other "
"But am not an agent and Quincy told me that wouldn't be necessary. She trusted me "
"There You go again feeding on every word they tell you "
"Quincy wouldn't lie to me"
I don't know about you but quincy would say anything to get you on board. She's sweet mouthed, she can comvince You that she is a saint. No disrespect to her memory but she is not and she capable of lying to you. So stop pretending you don't know she can. She didn't exactly tell you everything.... Did she"
"No she didn't "
"So You know she's not a saint"
"I know"
"look Donna I will get to the point quickly, i need your help... I want to get the hard disk of the mainframe database from the server room. it has files containing every execution that Prime had ever been involved in, so have been thinking what if the best way to get the members of the high table is to expose one of their extra curricular activities. Aside from the sex trade they run they are also acting as terrorists in their own country. Raising ruthless and callous killers, am going to need that hard disk to pull them down "

Mystère / ThrillerSam is back to put things in motion And this time she's determined to do it right 'I do not want to fix a problem after the mistake has been made I want to face it head on and put the perpetrators down . ' The second series. Broken (the list) avai...