Sixty seven

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  Simon was up all night trying to find out what they are up against, although they act indifferent towards him he feels very guilty for letting their faces be caught on camera

He was so shocked when the building went up in flames he just ran to the building without checking anything else

Sam was in the building
Harvey was in the building
Marie was also in the building

The three most important people in his life were in a burning building and his reaction was shock

They were like his family,the one he never had his mother was a junkie raising four boys for different fathers. She could barely make ends meet

She was a tolerable mother when she is not high and when she is high she is the most reckless, her attitude didn't set a good example for her kids

Infact one time she mixed up the dose for her youngest son's medication and they nearly lost him

So when Simon left home when he was fourteen and didn't look back, his mother didn't look for him he had relieved the burden off her shoulders and had left him to be lost to the world

At times Simon tries to convince himself that maybe she did try to find him and didn't search hard enough because not too long after he left the house.

He was arrested and sent to Juve for cyber crime which was unfair because he only did as Mr Tony told him to after he had figured out Simon was a computer wizard

He had made him transfer money from another account to his own, he promised Simon all the things he could only wish for so Simon did it and landed in jail.

Thank God for his guardian angel Sam who came to his rescue when he was bullied by the bigger boys

Sam was fearless, She came into his life just when he needed a brink of hope and she has been there ever since

She use to be the unapproachable scary Girl , she doesn't talk much and keeps no friends but after awhile she started to ease off, she was slowly adjusting

But of course even after they got out, Simon didn't stop following her everywhere. They were both homeless and had to look out for each other at some point

Then of course the addictions, Simon had watched his mother live on crack all his life when the path opened it was easy for him to fall victim

And he took Sam down with him, they did the craziest things to get the coke they craved endlessly for

Off and on for years, even after Sam was taken to prime. She didn't turn her back on him she kept saving money and sending it to him

Taking care of him like he was her responsibility, she tried as much as possible to keep him away from the spotlight so the only place they could meet was the rehabilitation center which was why Sam intentional fall back to her old habits

Just to be with him, to keep up with everything on in his life

And because of Sam the little family grow,Through Sam he meet sweet Marie who he enjoys teasing her and striking a nerve to watch her get upset

Then there is Harvey , the nicest dude on the planet his mentor, They were able to establish Crystal works together and take it to the next level because Harvey saw what others didn't see in him, he believed in him.

He can't imagine what his life would be like without them so he had to at least try and do something about it

So after their night at the bar Simon was locked on his laptop trying to crack into the CIA firewall

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