Seventy six

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  "I don't think I can ever forgive myself if something bad happens to Raina"
Marie said to herself after Sudan took the bait and they had successfully made the exchange

Sam and Simon exchanged guilty glances as the van suddenly became so cold and quiet,  they could even hear their heart beating from across eachother

"What if we are wrong about all of this. And she doesn't make it to the actual warehouse before they figure her out and she's dead meat" simon panicked

"Okay.... Cy, we get it. We are all scared. I wont lie for awhile back there I actually wished she wouldn't agree and we won't be pushing a sixteen years old girl to her early grave..... I wish we didn't have to involve her in any of this, I wish we could have done this ourselves. I wish this nightmare is over"

"Hey.... Hey don't do that yourself. This is the toughest decision I have ever made. At this point I can only pray nothing goes wrong. We just have to act fast and smart, pick up the trail... Cy pick up the trail now"

"Yeah but she has to activate the tracker "

"Whaaat! "
"Wait what"

"Yeah she has punch the little thingy to turn it in"

"Are you shitting me right now" Marie snapped jumping on her feet

"So right now the tracker is not on"

"Not until it activated. "

"Why didn't you mention any of it earlier "

"I did.... I mean I thought I did" simon stammers

"Oh my God Cy "
"Do You know what you've just done"
"How could you be so stupid "
"You have just literally killed the poor girl "
"dont just stand there do something "

They raged simultaneously at him

"I don't know how it slipped my mind. I didn't want to turn it on because I didn't want them to snoop it out before she was cleared. I thought I  said so"

The van door opened and Spencer walked in

"Are we good to go "

"That depends where are we headed. Raina's direction or straight to hell"

"Cy didn't turn on the tracker " sam explained

"What..... Why the fuck not"

"I guess I was confused " he was at the verge of crying..

"Oh goodness.... Cy. Can't you like activate it from here" he nodded

"We are so screwed"

"How is she suppose to turn the tracker on"

"There's uhm..... A tiny pushdown button, just a little push and it on"

"How's she supposed to do that when we shoved the tracker in between her pants"

"You missed out a very important detail Cy. What were you thinking "

"He doesn't focus on important things always blabbering nonsense "

"What do we do now "

"I think we should just head over to Zulu's house. Let's just hope he makes the exchange there "

"I have to go see Raina's mother and begin her treatment "

"Yeah so you'll meet us at Zulu if anything comes up let us know immediately. Let's know which hospital you are taking her to so Cy can make the payment "

"Sure.   Now I don't know how to tell a sick mother that we just sent her daughter to hell because of our incompetence"

"That woman is sick Marie. Don't get her worried, remember Raina is doing all this for her mother and to find her sister"

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