Thirst for Blood (Vampirella)

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"I will never be able to unsee this life... Ever" Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man said as he stared at a sight that he would probably would never be able to see in his life ever again. In front of him were various comatose vampires, including the hero known as Blade, thanks to the blood loss that had caused by Vampirella, or as Peter like to call her Vampy.

Vampirella had a lustful smirk on her face as blood dripped down her jaw and into her neck. Peter could only gulp in slight fear as he watched her drop Morbius onto the ground unconscious... just like the rest of the vampires that were there. His eyes widened a bit further as he noticed that Vampirella was looking straight at him, her eyes glistening blood red thanks to the moon's light.

"Oh Peter~" Vampirella cooed in lust as she started to walk towards the underestimated hero. She swayed her hips with her walk, hypnotizing the hero. She licked her lips, drawing in the blood that was still over her luscious red lips. She even let out a slight moan as she could watch how Peter walked backwards. It was always so fun to mess with him, he always made the best reactions ever. It was the reason why she loved the man as much as she did. "Like what you see~? I could always drink something else~"

The innuendo wasn't missed by the hero, who gulped loudly. Peter knew that this was how mostly Vampirella acted with him. She always tried to get under his skin and bring out another side of him, just so she could have her fun. Though it didn't meant that Peter enjoyed being manipulated into letting his instincts go wild. But he couldn't really control it with the black haired woman.

"So~" Vampirella grabbed Peter's right hand and moved it into her chest, making Peter grab a handful of her breast. This elated a moan from the vampire female, whose eyes never left the eyes of the hero. Her blood red eyes showed lust and need, the feelings that she had been feeling ever since she started drinking the blood of the pitiful vampires. The only one that tried to put on a fight was the hero Blade, but even he now laid on the ground unmoving. "Why don't we go to your apartment, and you can show me how amazing you are... again~"

"Vampy, you should control it at least for today. You know that in Halloween you don't have the power to monitor your birth control... Just try and-" Peter was interrupted by the sudden kiss by Vampirella and when she moved his hand into her snatch. He could feel how wet she was as he laid unresponsive to the lust filled kiss. Peter tried to move his hand away from Vampirella's private area, but the vampire's hand didn't allowed it. It resulted in Peter involuntarily massaging the lower area of the vampire, which made her moan even further into the kiss.

"Come on, Peter~ Where is that spider that is able to leave me unmoving after we mate for more than twelve hours~?" Vampirella started nibbling into his ear, elating a growl from the hero. She knew that she was close to obtaining what her lust filled body wanted. She couldn't control it and she didn't want him to control it either. She wanted to go wild! She continued with her nibbles down Peter's neck before going back up once more. It resulted in Vampirella nibbling Peter's chin before smashing her lips straight against Peter's own.

Peter was slowly but surely losing it, and he knew that Vampirella knew this as well. He tried to resist her temptations, but he had already stopped resisting her. he already started to reciprocate the kiss with Vampirella and even tore through the vampire's leggings and inserted a finger into her snatch. This made Vampirella to shriek a bit, but the shriek was never heard because it was muffled by the kiss he had her locked in.

"You want me being amazing?" Peter growled at Vampirella, something that he would normally wouldn't do. He appreciated Vampirella to much for him to act this way to her, but it was thanks to her that he now had an abundant amount of tantric energy inside him. Energy that he needed to liberate if he didn't want to be overpowered by his instincts. His eyes were getting hazed by the lust in his body, but he managed to see Vampirella smirk his way before her hand touched his crotch before slowly moving up to grab her wanted prize. "You are really going to regret it Vampy... You will not sleep for a week if I have any say about it"

This scared Vampirella a bit, it scared her enough to be overpowered by Peter and thrown into his shoulder before she could feel the air striking her head. She noticed that Peter was swinging at full speed towards his apartment, a place she knew very well with how many times she had coitus there with Peter. It has never extended more than twelve hours and she was always unable to walk for a week straight. She didn't want to imagine what would a week long mating session will be like, but one thing was for sure... She was going to end up pregnant after today, she just knew it.

Time Skip; A Week Later

If Vampirella could describe her situation right now, it would be complete and pure bliss. Her legs were twitching ever so often and her blood red eyes were rolled back in ecstasy. Her arms laid on the bed unresponsive as she kept gasping from screaming in pleasure. Her tongue was touching the bed, laying unmoving as she got a fill of air through her mouth. Her black hair shined as it was sprawled all over the bed.

Vampirella couldn't register anything apart from the bliss that her body was currently filling. It was the purest form of bliss she has ever felt in her life, with blood being in second place. She could still feel the spasms that her canaille was currently making right now as she remembered the huge amount of spunk that exit through it. She was certain that she was pregnant after all this, it was not even a question. Peter treated her as a woman used for breeding and she didn't have a problem with it. In fact, she was glad that is she had gotten pregnant, it would be with Peter.

She closed her eyes as she felt the bed shake a bit. She even felt a strong arm across from her back, making her try and hold back the moan that wanted to exit her soul. But it was unable to hold it in because of the state she was in. Every part of her body was weak and any kind of touch would be like if she was being teased and she loved every second of it! She couldn't even move and she knew that she wanted more in the future.

"So, my little vampire..." Vampirella shuddered at the gruff voice in her ear. She moaned even louder than before when she felt the air of dominance that Peter had at the moment. She was scared that Peter even had the strength to even talk after a week full of sex. But she couldn't even contort her expression into one of fear. "Did you learn your lesson?"

"Yesh~" Vampirella moaned out with her tongue still hanging from her lips. She suddenly felt something grab her buttocks and elevate them into the air. She quickly opened her eyes in shock as the first thing she saw was the demanding body of Peter with his glory on full display for her. She recognize the eyes that he had at the moment and couldn't help it but shudder a bit in a mixture of fear and excitement. She then felt the heat near her lower area and it was then that her expression changed into one of fear. It wasn't done...

"I think you need another reminder, right?" Her back curved at the sudden intrusion as her eyes began to water once more. She couldn't even remember how many time has her eyes teared down throughout the entire week, but she knew that it was more than she has normally would have in a normal session. He head was now looking up as her tongue hanged in the air against her chin in a silent gasp. It was then she understood one thing...

To never tempt Peter Parker.

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