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[Y/N] Hishiro was only nine at this time and she had two siblings,a mother and a father.As she walked outside she was stopped in her tracks by both of her little siblings Hiro and Hinata."Ah Hinata!Hiro!what can I do for you both?" she asked while bending down at their height and smiling at them.

"Oneesan!can we come with you please!"Hinata exclaimed.

"Yea!we never get to see you anymore these days!" Hiro said.

As the both of them spoke you just laughed at this and patted both of their heads and looked at them "Ah..I'm sorry you two but it's a secret maybe next time alright?"you said then the both of them nodded and went back inside their home.

Hiro went up to his mother and hugged her making his mother hug him back."hiro?is everything alright dear?"she asked while looking down at him."Mama where does onee-" but he was cut off by his father coming into the house and locking the door and panting.

"Akio! What's going on!?"

"Take the kids upstairs,now!!"Their father yelled making his wife flinch at this but she nodded and carried the two quickly to the bedroom and locking the door.

The mother took the kids to the corner of the room and smiled but she was crying at the same time."Mama..what's going to happen to us..?" Hinata asked."Hinata,Hiro..it's going to be okay..I promise stay here alright?"

The kids just sat there on the ground in the corner of the room not leaving at all.They heard screams and cries from their mother but then soon it stopped.As the two of them sat there in silence they heard footsteps coming up the stairs and soon they saw a man with six eyes,but this man was no human.He was a demon and he raised his blade then...blood..blood just splattered all over the floor with the kids laying on the ground dead.


[Y/N] was just humming and skipping down a path towards her home with a basket in her hand full of flowers but soon she stopped.The door was knocked down,the windows were broken into bits of pieces,she dropped the basket and ran quickly towards her home.

She saw her parents dead on the ground with blood all over the floor,she then looked around for her siblings but they were nowhere to be found so she quickly ran upstairs and saw them dead.Tears were streaming down her face as she hugged them "Hinata!!Hiro!!Don't go yet!!Please not yet!!" She kept crying and begged God to not take away her family yet but it was too late.

As days had passed by rumors started to spread that she killed her own family and the other people as well in her village,but they were wrong.They were dead wrong,these rumors made her go crazy,she grew tired of the same rumors going on about her when she didn't kill them.

So what did she do?She killed them,she killed every one last person that were spreading rumors about her or even speaking about her at all.She didn't care for them at all,she has been also killing a few demons but she mostly killed humans.

She decided to become a demon slayer like how her mother was when she was a kid,so she trained and trained until she would faint.When the day had came she was 13 and at the end of the Final Selection she made it and she even wiped out most of the demons more than the other slayers,meaning that she was a demon slayer now.


[ 2nd ] P.O.V
I passed the Final Selection and I was able to survive for 7 days without anyone's help.I was able to kill a lot of demons and there were some humans that kept bothering me,well especially boys that were hitting on me so what did I do?I just killed them for getting in my way.

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