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[Y/N] and Tanjiro had both walked inside the place seeing a small man with a mask covering his face. While both mens were sitting next to him. The both of them had sat down kneeling in front of him while [Y/N] stayed quiet listening to what the chief and Tanjiro were both talking about.

"Greetings,I'm the chief of this village TecchinTecchin kawahara. Nice to meet you two. I'm the town's smallest and most esteemed person,so esteemed that you should till your head touches the tatami mat"

Tanjiro had immediately bowed down while [Y/N] had bowed down also,but not too low like how Tanjiro was.

"I'm Tanjiro kamado! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Hishiro [Y/N], it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

Then both [Y/N] and Tanjiro had sat up straight again "Oh,what a nice young man and a kind girl,I'll give you both some Karinto"

"Thank you!" Tanjiro said as he held the bowl full of Karinto as [Y/N] just took one bite at a time before thanking the chief also.

"It seems that Hotaru has disappeared,were searching for him so,please be patient"


"Yes..Hotaru Haganezuka."

"What a cute name!"

"I named him"

"He said it was too cute and got mad at me"

"That's sad"

"He's been that way since he was small,he throws tantrums and goes off to sulk,sorry"

"No,it's okay! It's all because I do things like break my sword and chip the blade!"

"No..that's wrong" The chief said making [Y/N] raise her brow at this while Tanjiro seemed to be worried and confused by what he just said.

"It's his fault for making dull blades that are weak"


"We'll bring him back as soon as we find him..so don't worry" The Chief kawahara said before raising both of his arms up.

"Well..don't be too rough"

"I heard you haven't yet recovered enough to go demon slaying,if Hotaru doesn't forge you a sword by the time you're ready,I'll appoint someone else to be your swords smith. Our hot spring is very good for healing the body..so just relax here"

Then both Tanjiro and [Y/N] had gotten up following the man who was leading them towards the hot spring.

"The hot spring is up this hill,I'll be down here preparing your meal" The man had pointed towards the place before finally leaving. Then [Y/N] had turned her head to see Mitsuri running towards both her and Tanjiro.


"OHHH! It's [Y/N]-chan!! and Tanjiro!! [Y/N]-channn! Tanjiroooo!"

Then [Y/N] had caught Mitsuri who was on the verge of crying "Listen! Listen! He ignored me! I said hello,but he ignored me!"


"I don't know! I asked his name but he ignored me! Isn't that mean? I'm a Hashira! The calm I got from soaking is completely shattered!" she wailed while [Y/N] had helped her get up before giving her a head pat.

Mitsuri had shown [Y/N] where the hot spring was as [Y/N] had stepped inside the water sitting down. Mitsuri just kept smiling while looking at [Y/N] "...You might as well get in again,you know"

"Waah?! I just got out though!"

"Hm..well I'll just get out too then"

Soon enough Mitsuri and [Y/N] were walking back to see Tanjiro waiting for them inside the place already. Mitsuri sat down by Tanjiro while [Y/N] sat down in front of them "I'm gonna eat a lot and get strong too!" "Really? I didn't eat that much though"

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