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[Y/N] P.O.V

I had a mission again and this time it was farther so then I wasted no time and started walking but then before I could even take another step someone held my hand making me turn around to face them.

Like always it was Tanjiro and I just stared at him waiting to listen to what he had to say.Instead of speaking he had a frowny face and I sensed his emotion which was worried and I sighed at this before giving him a head pat.

"Tanjiro,I can assure you that I'll be fine"

"I know but..what if something happen?"

"...Tanjiro,try not to worry too much"

"Bu-" before he could even speak I just gave him a head pat again and left leaving him there all worried and upset that I had to leave.The feeling I was getting had reminded me back then whenever Hiro and Hinata would always stay home and see me walk away from our homes to go somewhere.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and continued walking towards my mission I didn't expect this mission too be that far but if it is my duty so then be it.


"[Y/N].." Kanao had called out to me making me turn my head to look at her "..yes?" I replied waiting for her to say something.

"I was wondering..how come you been more quiet lately..?" 


"I'm sorry if I made you upset!" She apologized and bowed down then tried walking away until I hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear.

"There's no need to apologize.." then I let her go and walked away.

"Moshi Moshi [Y/N],are you leaving so soon already?"
Instead of speaking I just nodded and watched her walk up to me while smiling still
"Ara,you're still wearing the butterfly hairpin I see!"
then your [E/C] eyes were staring down her deep purple eyes.

"Well I should probably get going now" and with that I left leaving her there.


Memories were the only thing that was in my mind now.I didn't care if I died,if I died then I died there's no big deal about it after all I have killed people which is wrong.Even though I stopped killing humans but that doesn't mean I won't continue though.

I just kept walking not turning back until I heard my name being called out from behind,but a very familiar voice had spoke.I turned around and saw him my little brother Hinata right before my eyes.

My eyes widened at this tears were already in the corner of my eye about to fall but I held it in.
"Oneesan!" he called out to me and ran up to me and then just hugged me "Hinata.." I spoke.

"Oneesan! I really missed you!" he told me while looking up at me smiling then the next thing I knew I was crying already.

"Oneesan..your crying..." he spoke again but wiped the tears off my face and I just hugged him tight not letting him go.

"Hinata! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!!" I kept apologizing and he gave me a head pat while smiling,
"Oneesan! it's ok! Mama,Papa and Hiro are all waiting for you too! We'll all be waiting for you!" when he said that I hugged him tighter not letting go at all "Hinata..please don't leave me again.."

"Oneesan! just know that we all love you!!" then the next thing I knew he disappeared into the thin air.I just smiled and looked up at the dark starry sky while tears came rolling down my face 
'Hinata,Hiro I'll be coming soon...so please hold on a bit longer' I thought to myself.

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