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[Y/N] P.O.V

I just sat down on the porch outside watching the rain droplets hit the ground while I just sulked like always since I was lonely these days.I never thought that I actually feel like this once in my life and soon after it started getting even more darker cause of the clouds.As I got up walking inside my home closing the shoji door behind me I went to the dining room sitting down and poured tea into my cup.

Unfortunately the rain never stopped at this point and I didn't have anything else to do since I didn't have any missions so far.Then there was a knock on the door making me confused and perk my head up at this also.The presence I was sensing was a human and someone that I never met before in my life.

I didn't feel like having anyone stay at my place these days so I stayed quiet not making any noises at all while the person knocked again.Like always whenever someone I never knew or met had came over to my place knocking on the door I wouldn't open it for them.I would only let the people I was fine with come inside my place.

The presence was still there and I was starting to get irritated by this so I didn't have a choice but to go see who it was.I got up and sighed while walking towards the door and slide it open revealing a woman in a yellow mixed with white hanfu dress all wet with some cuts on her face and arms.

She looked liked a mess and seemed that she was still bleeding with the cuts on her while she was breathing hard being wet.I just glared down at her and was about to close the door until she spoke and had worriedness in her eyes.

"No no no wait!please!"

This made me raise my brow looking at her and she started tearing up while the rain was pouring down on her."Please..you have to help me!" she begged while I sighed before rubbing my temple and closing my eyes at this.

Then when I opened my eyes I look at her before also speaking "Do I?" I shot back and she started crying and just kept begging me to let her stay for the night.I knew that she would keep begging me non stop so then I let her in as she sat down in front of me wearing the dry clothes I gave her and the bandages covering her injuries and cuts.

"Mind telling me what happened to you and why you need help?"

"Well you see..my parents decided to look for a man to become my fiance and I didn't like the idea of having one without knowing them all.When I first met him he was nice and sweet to me at first but then..I found out that he cheated on me twice"

This made me confused of why her fiance would cheat on her and I didn't care,but just wanted to know why and what had happened to make her run away bleeding and look like a mess.

"Well I apologize to hear that"

"It's fine..and then I decided to confront him before telling my parents about it.I asked him to meet me under a cherry blossom tree today in the morning and so he agreed and when he arrived he saw me and he was full of joy while I was heartbroken for what he had done.The moment he was in front of me I immediately confronted him and cried while he laughed which had angered me so I slapped him.The thing was as soon as I slapped him he had grabbed me by my collar and started choking me and soon pulled out a dagger trying to stab me with that,but just gave me a few cuts and so I ran away as it rained and came across your home"

"...I see"

There was something suspicious about this female that made me curious so then I poured tea both in her and my cup.Then as she picked it up and started drinking it I just looked at her from head to toe analyzing her looks without missing any detail at all.

Then I knew why I had a weird feel around her it was because it turns out she had been lying to me since the start of the beginning.I then got up and told her that I would be refilling the tea pot with an even tea to make her feel energized since she been through much already which was definitely a lie.

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