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Lady Tamayo had her arm pierced through Muzan Kibutsuji stomach while he was holding onto her arm.

"This Blood Demon Art of Thorns belongs to the person you turned into a demon in Asakusa! you absorbed my fist, Muzan, but what do you suppose was inside it? It is concoction for turning demons back to humans again! So? Is it taking  effect?"

"Surely you can't do that!"

"I completed it, things have greatly changed! But I couldn't have done it alone!"

"...Tamayo, you are the most persistent woman ever! but your resentment is grossly unjust! Who killed your husband and children? Was it me? No! It was you, yourself! you ate them!"

"I only said I didn't want to die from my illness! I wanted to watch my children grow up!!"

"It looked like you enjoyed it!"

"Yes, I killed many in desperation! and to atone for my sins..I am going to die here..with you!! Now Himejima!!"

Then appeared Himejima with his weapons glaring deep straight at Muzan, "Namu, Amida Butsu!"

Gyomei had smash Muzan's head making it gone from his body, although he quickly regenerated. Then lines of sharp thorns had started to create, they all went straight for Gyomei.

"Black Blood Brambles!"

"Stone Breathing Third Form:Stone Skin!"

Then the other Hashira's had arrived at the place, Shinazugawa had yelled while glaring at Muzan. "Was it you?! What did you do to Master Ubuyashiki?!!"

Mitsuri,Obanai and the rest of the Hashira's had soon arrived, "It's Muzan!! Muzan Kibutsuji!! Even if we cut off his head, he won't die!!"

Everyone one of the hashira's along with Tanjiro were about to attack him until Muzan smirked at this. Then everyone had fallen inside the Infinity castle, "Do you think you have me cornered? You're all going to hell!! Tonight, I am going to kill every last one..of you filthy demon slayers!"

"You're the one who's going to hell, Muzan! I'll never let you escape! I'm taking you down! No matter what!"

"Then do it...if you can! Tanjiro, Kamado!!"

Everyone had been separated into each different rooms, Tanjiro was falling and at this rate he would die if he didn't do something. When he was about to hit the floor, Giyuu had caught him by the back of his hoari. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah! Thank you! you..saved me!"

There was a demon that was right behind Tanjiro with their claw hovering his head. Then Tanjiro had quickly slashed the demons head off, "Water Breathing First Form:Water Surface Slash!"


Then suddenly even more demons had came.

"Water breathing Sixth Form:Whirlpool!"

"Water Breathing Third Form:Flowing Dance!"

Then as the demons started to crumble away, the two of them had started to walk.

Obanai was surrounded by demons that were running towards him, "Serpent Breathing Fifth Form:Slithering Serpent!"

"Stay away from Kanroji..you scum!"

Mitsuri had stared at him in awe while fangirling, "Are you hurt?" he asked while Mitsuri had shook her head. "No!" 

"Let's go."


Gyomei and Muichiro were both running together and slashing at all of the demons that wre in front of them or getting in their way. 

"It's an incredible of number of demons, isn't it? It appears they've been imbued with strength roughly equal to a Lower rank kizuki. They're trying to wear us down."

"What about Master Ubuyashiki?"

"He died one step ahead of us, it was a dignified end"

"I don't think he would make the mistake of letting a demon find him. Did he offer himself as bait?"

"....yes, that's right, he knew didn't have long to live"

"...After a demon attack had took me down, I was lingering on the border between life and death..he stayed by me the whole time. He did the same for the other corps members who nearly died...like a father"

"Yes...I know"

"Muzan even stole our Father, even my older brother. I'll make sure he suffers before I send him to hell! Muzan!!"

"Don't worry, we all feel the same way"

Sanemi who was sitting down on a platform by himself couldn't stop thinking about Oyakata sama.

'Master...I couldn't protect him'

A demon had came out of nowhere about to attack him until he killed it in a blink of an eye. Then suddenly more demons had started to come, "They're coming one after another! you filth! Bring it on! I'll kill every last one of you!"

As tears were streaming down his face, he smiled in anger.

Shinobu was walking around until she smelled blood, she opened a door to reveal a demon who was sitting down with woman that were dead all around him. 


The demon turned around revealing it's rainbow eyes and was eating a womans arm, "Ah...you came? Oh! A girl! you look young and tasty! I'll have to tell Nakime thank you later."

Shinobu had her eyes widened at this, the horrible flashbacks memory of her older sister dying in her arms. Shinobu had started to attack at the demon while the demon who was Douma, had attacked her also.

[Y/N] was just walking around until she felt a pair of eyes glaring at her, she turned around to see no one. 


The moment she turned around there were many demon's in front of her, as she sliced off their heads in a swift. She had proceeded to walk away from them until she sensed a familiar presence around here. 

As she got closer towards the presence, she then was teleported into another room. 

Along with him.

Upper One.


A demon that she would always interact with before any of this had happened. She did still forgive him though right?

He took my family...but I still forgave him either way..

Why is that my cold feelings and hatred towards others are no longer inside me?

Did they somehow disappear all of a sudden?

Did I do something wrong?

If so..I apologize..

I been changing from the very start ever since I joined the Demon Slayer corps and became a Hashira.

It's too late to back out now, this is my only chance.

Just this once, I won't hesitate no more.

Lmao, I noticed how all of my first chapters have horrible spelling and text grammar. I do apologize for this, either way I don't feel like changing them anymore, sorry. I really really been caught up with my school works, plus- I'm having trouble in Science class. I did create another new kny fanfic, which might be my last kny fanfic. Have a great day and stay safe! ^^

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