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[No ones] P.O.V

[Y/N] didn't like it when people made fun of her friends,especially when they picked on them.
Mitsuri and [Y/N] were both at a place eating Ramen,but they were disturbed by a group of boys who were picking on Mitsuri saying how she kept eating so much which made her not want to eat anymore.

"Hah! Look at you! I can't believe your a pillar!?"

"Just look at her!walking around like this!"

"I can't believe her and look at her hair too!"

"How can someone like her hang out with someone who's better than you?!" they said as they pointed at you,when one of them wrapped their arm around your shoulder you scoffed in disgust and twisted his arm making him scream in pain and just broke his arm.

Then one of them had a dagger and they were about to stab you in the chest until you punched him in the face hard then grabbed the dagger from his hand and stabbed his chest while blood oozed out a lot.The rest of the boys just ran away in fear while you grabbed a towel and wiped the blood off your skin.

As you were done cleaning the blood off your skin,you looked at Mitsuri while she just stared at you in awe and hugged you burying her face on your neck."[Y/N]-chan!!Arigato for defending me!" she said making you pat her hand and hug her back at the same time.

"Dōitashimashite[Your welcome]" you replied as you grabbed her hand and led her out of the place where you had caused a scene."[Y/N]-chan!" "Hmm?" she just stayed quiet making you look at her then you just kissed her forehead making her widen her eyes and blush."Mitsuri..take your time" you said as you held her hand.

She just clinged onto your arm and you didn't mind it all,instead you just walked with her towards your estate.When you both arrived she looked at your estate and then her surroundings noticing how it was very foggy and misty,"[Y/N]-chan?Your village is very quiet and foggy and misty" she said while you sighed "It's been like this" "I see"

She still thanked you're for helping her when the guys were picking on her and you just nodded reassuring that you were just helping a friend out.After staying at your estate for awhile you insisted that she should be going home so you walked her home and was about to leave until she hugged you from behind making you stop in your tracks."[Y/N]-chan..please stay for the night.."she begged and you looked at her.

"Oh..alright then"Then you followed her inside her estate and she led you to a spare room you thanked her and closed the shoji door taking off your haori and looking at all your scars from the previous battles you had back in the past,you decided to change the bandage wrapped around your waist so that's what you did..but then got walked in by Mitsuri.

"[Y/N]-chan! Let's ea-" but she stopped speaking when she realized that she walked in on you while you were changing your bandages roll.She stood there red and then quickly ran away making you sigh.

When you came to the dining room to see her she was still red,so you down in front her "Mitsuri..don't worry about it really" then she looked at you but was confused."Are..you sure?" she asked while you just nodded.you noticed that there were actually bowls full of food and plates full of sweets."Oh..are we going to be eating again?" you asked while Mitsuri nodded "Yup!since we were disturbed I decided to make food and eat here with you!" she said while smiling.

As you picked up your chopsticks and ate sushi while Mitsuri just ate Sakura Mochi which was her favorite.you didn't really have any favorite food but you did really liked sushi with soy sauce.
After you were done eating you looked at Mitsuri finishing her last bowl while she smiled."[Y/N]-chan! thank you for staying at my place for the night!" she said while you nodded.

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