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[No ones] P.O.V

As [Y/N] was walking towards the place she was going to she found out something when she was still there at the place with the boys,it turns out Tanjiro was actually trying to find a cure for his sister.This didn't affect you at all to be honest,after all you had one goal and that one goal was to find the demon that killed your family.Ever since that day you never smiled anymore you just stopped showing emotions.

When you reached the place where the demon was spotted you stood there quiet not doing anything.Then you heard rustling in the bushes so you walked towards the bush and just waited for whatever was in it to come out and it turns out it was a Chinchilla.'What is a Chinchilla doing out here in the middle of the night?..oh it's a distraction' you thought then quickly ducked from the close incoming attack from the right.

"Breath of the stars..Third Form:Nebula Lapse"

Using this Form was a bit new to you still but you were able to use it properly since you were flexible and this form included flexibility then you faced the demon and disappeared making them confused and look around their surroundings.Then they were slashed 5 times then 10 then their head was on the ground with all their limbs all over the floor bloody.

You just 'tch' at the demon who was glaring at you,you just walked away but then you saw the chinchilla following you whenever you walked.Instead of doing anything rude you just picked it up and wrapped a red ribbon around it's neck.It just stared at you then you realized that you didn't give it a name yet since you were going to keep him now. "Haru"you said firmly.

It just nuzzled your cheek saying that they would stay with you and that they were ok with the name.As you walked Haru was around your neck resting so he wasn't going to get off any time soon,then you bird had came flying by "Oyakata-sama has requested to see you!" your bird Akiko said and you nodded following your bird towards the man estate.

When you arrived you saw the twins who were the daughters of Kagaya Ubuyashiki,the twins who were Nichika and Hinaki had escorted you to the room.Soon when you arrived you took a seat in front of him while Haru was still resting around you shoulder.

"Hishiro-san,it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person"

Instead of speaking you just nodded while looking at him, "You're probably wondering why you were summoned here correct?" he asked while you just nodded again. "I was hoping if you could become a hashira" this made you feel nothing at all instead of turning it down you just accepted and nodded making him smile even though he was blind.

"Very well then,the hashira meeting will be starting any moment now"Then you got up following him with both of the twins beside you.When you arrived you saw all of the hashira's and there were 9 but one of them caught your eye,it was Shinobu.She just stared at you while smiling "[Y/N]-san!Long time no see!" she said making everyone stare at her then you.you just nodded and looked at the rest of them.

"My childrens,it appears that we have a new person joining us,please welcome Hishiro [Y/N] the Star Hashira" then you just stared at them all before bowing and speaking "Hishiro [Y/N] the star hashira,it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" I said while looking at them all.

"Tomioka Giyu,the Water hashira"

"Kanroji Mitsuri,the Love hashira!"

"Obanai Iguro,the Serpent hashira"

"Kocho Shinobu!the Insect hashira!"

"Uzui Tengen,the Sound hashira!"

"Kyojuro Rengoku,the Flame hashira!!"

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