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They all made me like this.They all did this to me.They made me feel this..thing that I haven't felt in many years.First it was Shinobu when I first met her at my village since she was reported to know what happened to the people in my village.Then I had met the Kamaboko squad that includes Tanjir,Inosuke,Zenitsu,and Tanjiro younger sister Nezuko I met all of them at the place I was resting up for the night.Ever since I became a pillar everyone has been clingy around me and started to make me feel this..emotion.

Is this what they call..thankful?pleased? I don't know anything about these emotions that I'm feeling but now,there all coming back to me from when I was little.I don't know what to feel anymore about these things going on inside my head.Everything doesn't even make sense anymore.I'll just get rid of myself one day...one day I will.

I didn't feel..normal today for some reason I always had a bad vibe whenever I was by myself and for some reason I wasn't able to figure it out.I tried and tried but look where it got me...nowhere.

I wasn't going to be able to do this for long now was I.No I wasn't going to be so then I might as well get out of this misery hell hole and leave.

I get up and slide the shoji door open revealing the view of my village and guess what.The mist was gone the fog had vanished.I finally saw my village again but the sun was bright,the grasses were swaying along the wind,the flowers that I used to pick up were also dancing along with the others.

The moment I stepped outside it didn't vanish it stayed and..it was welcoming me,but not with hatred and despair..but with care and love.

I didn't know what to feel..what was I supposed to feel.

[Y/N] P.O.V

Today was the same old day me killing demons..and humans like always.I didn't visit anyone today I just stayed home and stayed alone as always.I'm sure that the others are busy doing something now right?

Either way I don't have the urge to visit anyone,I just wanted to stay home and let silence take control.That is until there was a knock outside my door,I didn't want to know who it was.I wanted to be alone.

They knocked once then again which irritated me me cause of the knock.Then it was quiet making me turn to look at the door.I just got up and sighed while walking towards the door,and slid it open revealing no one and nothing.

I just closed it returning back to my seat until they knocked again and this time I slid the door fast showing someone.It was Tomioka Giyu,and out of all people he was the one who knocked on the door."[Y/N]..?" he spoke making me sigh.

"Yes..it's me.."

I just let him in and closed the door,while he just looked around my place until something caught his eye making him walk towards it and stare at it for awhile.It was a family picture...well my family to be exact."Is this your family in the photo..?" he asked while I stayed quiet and just nodded.

As I took my seat he sat in front of me while I poured tea in his cup and mine.I just stayed quiet while drinking my tea and he did the same."Tomioka..why are you here?" I asked making him look at me and setting the cup down.

"We haven't seen you in days already..we were worried that something happened to you.."he spoke while I just blinked at him."Well you can see that I'm fine.." I replied while sipping my tea and setting it back down.



"Why is your village quiet?"

This made me look at him with confusion 'What is it with these people wanting to know' I thought and just sighed "How should I know."

"Don't you live here..?"

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