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「 The following Event happened when Hishiro [Y/N] was 15 」

The only thing you could see from the sky was snow,it was weird for snow to come around at a time like this now wasn't it.The moment you looked down you could see blood all over with corpses on the ground.Blood from the left,blood from the right,and just blood everywhere that made you want to vomit at this.

"I didn't think I would be killing this much people..even though it's only 17"

The 17 people that were killed by her were blind enough to see that she wasn't Miss little perfect or a sweet little angel.Some people would say that she was The devil herself even though she was human.They just walked past the dead bodies laying on the ground and proceeded to ignore their cries for help.It seemed that one was still alive but was at the brink of death,she stared at them not wanting to listen them while she had her blade the person's neck.



"I don't know..why your doing this..but I forgive you.."

Then with that they collapsed to the floor and blood just came out of their throat,chest,and everybody part you could find.She didn't know why this person even cared for what she was doing.As they walked past their dead body lying on the floor she didn't even turn back to look at them one last time,but kept walking without any mercy to others.

I kept huffing as snow was coming down from the sky and I didn't like it whenever I was disturbed,especially when I was trying to get rid of my victims.The victim of mine was known as Kimizuki Akari and she was one smart girl,but sadly she wasn't that smart now was she.

Akari kept running and running while blood was dripping out of her mouth,but each time she took a step she would fall and this was easy for [Y/N] to find her.Why is Akari running away from [Y/N]? Did she do something wrong? Perhaps maybe because she was getting in her way.

After all [Y/N] did promise that whoever would get in her way would die.
Some things that I found out about Kimizuki Akari are quite rather interesting.

➺ Kimizuki Akari





➺Parents are dead and has 0 siblings

➺Knows when people are lying and can read you like a book.

➺Has Acrobatics skills

[Y/N] P.O.V

I was just walking towards the place where this demon was killing people or so my crow had told me.I just walked and walked until I arrived but then I noticed how there were actually a lot of people in the village.The childrens were laughing and playing around while the grown ups sat down and were watching the kids.

I furrowed my eyebrows at this and scoffed at this nonsense.I just walked forward and some eyes were on me while I just brushed them off.

"E-excuse me?" a voiced called out to me from behind.I turned around to see a young girl who seemed like my age but was shorter than me.I glared down at her yellow eyes while she stared into my deep [E/C] eyes and noticed that I was glaring down at her and immediately bowed apologizing.

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