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(Leah POV ♥︎)

Pulling into my parking spot was a total mess. My parking skills were never the best, but today they were straight up terrible. Of course I would mess up the day he decides to ride with me.

He gets out first as I released a shaky breath, then I unbuckled my seat belt.

Taking the keys out I open my door just to see him leaning against my door. His left hand is on the top and the right has the handle of my door.

"Thanks for the ride." He smirks.

I can't believe this is happening. IM DYING.

I gulp a little too loud. "Yeah. N-no problem." I avoid eye contact.

"Maybe next time I'll drive you." He leans forward making the space even more limited.

I look into is intoxicating swirling eyes for a second and then he backs off the car and leaves. Leaving me starstruck and in awe.

How does one do that so swiftly?

"Good girl! What has happened to you??" A voice called out in a fake shriek.

Turning around I see none other than Jessie. Her brown hair flowed over her shoulders and her eyeliner as always looked effortlessly good.

Rolling my eyes I stomped inside the school.
Come on Leah. Only a few more periods, and then I get to go home. Actually way more than a few but we don't need the calculations right now.

I walk towards my locker and unlock it easily. Swinging open the door, I get my books out and start to load them into my bag.

"Leah Chanler to the office." The speaker boomed.

I've never been to the office. I only go to the office when I need to speak to my counselor about colleges and available scholarships.

Why would they need me now???

Panicking, I shut my locker and hastily grab my bag. Anxiety fills my chest and I feel it tighten. My breathing goes uneven and I look around the hallway and everyone is looking at me.

Ok. Ok. breathe. I got this- breathe.

I push my shoulders back and take a deep breath and practically sprint out the hallway. Once in solitude I slow my and heavy breathing down.

A sign above the door reads 'office' and there's my stop.

My hands move shakily towards the door knob and I open it before I can give myself a second chance to back out.

"Leah!" The front desk lady greets as soon as I get in.

I smile lightly and scrunch my eyebrows confused. Wait- I'm not in trouble?

"I'm so glad you're here! Principal Hawks needs your help." She whispers the last part.

She gets up from her desk and makes her way towards me. Putting a hand on the back of my shoulder blades, she leads me towards the hallway towards the principals office.

"I'm not in trouble right?" I blurt out stressed.

"Goodness no, angel!" She beams and squeezes one of my cheeks.

My mom was always close with the staff at all of my schools. And growing up in this town all my life, they are no stranger to me nor my family.

"go on." She nods her head to the door.

I nod and then knock. After the principle says a loud "Come in.", I enter slowly.

"Good Morning,  Miss. Chanler!" Mr. Hawks sits in his seat with a warm smile.

Looking around the room I see Kai Dalton. A small woman sits next to him and holds a huge smile on her face. The complete opposite goes for Kai, as he sits there with an irritated look.

Oh no. Is this about yesterday? I'm completely over it and it wasn't a big deal. My heart is racing.

"Come sit." Mr. Hawks points a finger at a chair next to Kai sweetly.

I do so and slowly sit. I give a small smile to the lady sitting on the other side of Kai and she smiles back warmly. Looking up to Kai he doesn't pay any mind to me.

"I've brought you here Miss. Chanler for a proposition. Kai here is not doing too well in his classes, and you Miss. Chanler are doing extraordinarily well. I was wondering if you would be able to tutor him. Not only will it benefit him, but also you." He rests his hands on the table together.

"Now, I have spoken to all your teachers and they are willing to up your grade and give you grace if your assignments are late." He offers.

I could do with that.

"It will also be a wonderful thing to put on your college resume!" He adds. At that Kai rolls his head back and scoffs.

Black hair falls back and his jawline is bucked out in an annoyed manner.

Mr. Hawk really wants me to do this. It's the persuasion tools that tell me everything. Sociology class paying off.

"ok." I reply simply.

"Ok?" Mr. Hawks reiterates.

I nod and he claps his hands together happily. "Alright! Well that's settled!"

The lady sitting next to Kai reaches her hand out to shake mine and I take it. She holds my hand and says "Thank you so much for being able to help my son. He's a good boy! I know it, but he just needs a little help with math and such."

"i'm right here." Kai says under his breath and looks up at the ceiling.


We end up being excused from Mr. Hawks office and talk outside briefly about the tutoring schedule.

After school I will come to Kai's house, or him to mine, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

It's not a bad schedule and Mrs. Dalton told me she would pay me too. I said it was fine without payment, but she insisted and wouldn't let me say another word.

After our conversation, Kai and I went back inside to go to our class.


At the dinner table I decided to break the news.

"I got a job- sorta." I look up from my plate.

"What?" Mom stops.

"I'm a tutor!" I smile.

"That's great sweetie!" She smiles and looks at my dad for backup. It's like she's incapable of forming her own opinion and it annoys me to no end.

"Who are you tutoring?" My mother coughs out.

"Kai Dalton." I reply.

"Kai Dalton? I don't know a Kai Dalton." Dad rubs his chin confused.

"Oh I do! His mother is an angel! I see her shopping sometimes and we make small talk." She beams.


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