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(Kai POV ♥︎)

"Where were you?" Romeo asked me as I slumped into my seat.

"office." I answered with a huff.

"Oh shit, did you get in trouble or something?"

"Something like that." I pressed my head against the cool desk.

Today's Thursday. I noted it when the schedule was finalized. All done without me of course. Mom decided that her and Leah were the adults. They left me and huddled on one side of a picnic table outside and discussed like little mice. They said it quietly and without my input or opinion.

Little does mom know that I have practice every other Friday after school, so I guess Leah will have to wait until 7:00 when I get home.

Sure mom knows I'm in basketball, but she said the schedule was too confusing so she never made it a point to actually keep up with it. It doesn't help that my coach is sporadic either. He can't hold onto a plan for shit.

The bell miraculously rung and I got up from my desk harshly making a scraping noise. Picking up my bag I lazily let it hang on my shoulders.

Walking out of the class I heard Romeo yell "Hey man. What the fuck is wrong you with you?"

I turned around and saw him looking at me with a annoyed look.

"Does it have to do with the office or...?" He asked. He asked it like he was walking on eggshells or something. Which for some explainable reason pissed me off even more.

"Leah fucking Chanler is tutoring me." I deadpanned.

His face lit up with disgust and he laughed. "Oh so you're taking Jackson's girl huh?"

"Fuck off." I pushed his shoulder and walked past him.


Romeo ended up not telling anyone which I was thankful for. I know Jackson would end up wanting me to do something for him that involves her. And I don't want to get caught up in his messed up shit.

The day ended with me falling asleep in half of my classes and doodling in my notebook in a quarter of them. The rest was me talking to random ass people.

The thing about being friends with popular Jackson Ryan, is that random people will come up to you, and talk to you like they have been friends with you all your life. Like they automatically just know you. And because I don't want to be a complete dick, I end up having light, casual conversations.

A plus about this; Jackson affects the girls as well. Sure this sounds like I'm an ass, but we have already established that I am. They are hot. Samantha gets jealous a lot though, so I try not to, just because when she's jealous she's fucking annoying.

Leaving the building I head to the parking lot to my baby. It's an old car I fixed up. Used and yet still beautiful. It's an old mustang I found on the internet.

"Hey!" A voice yelled.

What the fuck now.

"Hey! Kai!" It yelled and came closer and closer.

Turning around I saw 'posh princess' running in her heels with a little wobble. He backpack was swinging side to side as she held her hands up to level herself.

"Hey Kai!" She finally made her way to me. "I-um. I just wanted to make sure... we-wha that hill." She huffed and puffed.

The parking lot was on a hill-ish area and running up a hill with heels isn't ideal I'll admit.

"Wow I'm un-athletic ." She said to herself, while catching her breathe.

"Can you get to the point?" I asked with a heavy breath.

"Right! Um- I was wondering if we were still cool for tomorrow." She beamed with an overly happy smile.


"No? no... Why?" Her face mushed into a processing expression.

"I have basketball." I stated.

"Ok- so like... after basketball or..." She tried to work with me.

I don't want to work with her. I don't want to study with her. I don't fucking want any tutoring with her. Am I an eight year old learning their multiplication table? No. Therefore I don't need tutoring.

"How about! I wait for you and come to your basketball practice?" She offered.

"look." I rubbed my eyebrow in frustration. "I don't need tutoring. My mom is just obsessed with my grades and-"

"You don't need help? The principal asked me to help you. If I'm correct, a principal doesn't usually have a sit down about grades and assign them a tutor. Not unless they really do need a tutor." She interrupted me.

The fucking sass she has.

"So what, you're just going to sit on the bleachers and wait till what...?"

"Till you're done." She said in a duh tone.

"Whatever." I walked away.

"So is that a yes?" She yelled out.

I waved her off and got in my car frustrated.


Entering my house was like playing twenty questions. Everyday. My mom is so nosy, it's her job to snoop through my life.

"Hey Kai! How was school?"

"I saw you at school today."

"Right... but how was the rest of the school day?" She peeked her head out from the kitchen.

My mother loves to cook. She spends most of her time in the kitchen making the most amazing food ever. I've learned a few recipes.

"fine." I shrugged my backpack off.

Making my way up the stairs, I made it fast so mom wouldn't ask another question. Opening my door I saw none other than Raisin on my bed.

I slumped on the bed next to her and she meowed and came over towards me. Resting her head on my chest she stretched out.

"Hey Raisin." I scratched the back of her ear. She purred lightly and I smiled.

Raisin was originally my sister's. But when we were little I often stole her so she likes me more. My sister being older and meaner would steal her back. However, now that's she's off in college, I have sweet little Raisin all to my self.

Raisin never asked any questions and she never was annoying.


(fun fact: i'm allergic to cats... yet i put them in a bunch of my stories)

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