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(Leah POV ♥︎)

"I got him." I smile at Jessie.

She smiles back "Wh-How? He's like the biggest asshole I know!"

I shrug "Not really to me."

"Not to you huh?" She smirks.

I push her lightly and she almost bumps into another student in the hallway. She sticks her tongue out behind their back.

"Mhmm my sexy tutor Leah, I have such a crush on herrrr." She jokes.

My eyes widen at Kai directly behind her. Turns out he was the student she almost bumped into.

"Hi Kai!" My face turned beet red.

"Leah." Kai greeted. "And Leah's friend." He looked down at Jessie.

"It's Jessie." She corrected.

"Leah, so you're still not tutoring this week?"

I shook my heads. "Nope, but you are coming to my house instead. For the um- plan." I cough out 'plan'.

He chuckles and nods. He leaves down the hall and I give Jessie a crazy look.

"You are so embarrassing!" I drag her to our next class.


After school Jessie and I sat in my bedroom brain storming ideas. We snack on popcorn, granola bars, reese's cups and fruit snacks. You have to have a variety for a good brain storming session.

Jessie's head is in a pillow and my body is halfway off the bed. My back curves against the edge of the mattress as my brain feels empty.

"What about a mean girls moment?" Jessie un-stuffs her head.

I look at her confused and she explains. "You know how in mean girls Regina printed papers from the burn book? Maybe, the boys have that, or Jackson talks shit about a lot of people. Bam mean girls moment." She pretends to drop a mic.

A bang is on my door and my body falls off the bed from the loud thud. In walks Kai with a bored expression.

Collecting myself I give him an angry expression. "Where have you been? It's been-"

"forty minutes." Jessie fills in for me.

"Forty minutes! You pop up whenever you feel like it?" I get to my feet.

I might be still really, really, really mad at him. And I don't plan on being close with him anytime soon.

"So I was actually-"

"excuses." I stand in front of him with an annoyed expression.

"I was playing video games with your brother. He's the only cool one in this house." Kai leans down to my face, so close our noses are a millimeter away.

I scrunch my nose and head back to my bed. I sit on it harshly and munch on some popcorn.

"Does Jackson talk bad about people?" Jessie asks Kai.

"Jackson? Hell ya. A fuck ton." He rolls his eyes and sit on the bed.

Thankfully it's a king or else I don't know how this hippopotamus would fit on.

"Perfect." Jessie jots down the idea. Her tongue sticks out in concentration. That's how I knows I've lost her and she is in 'project mayhem' world.

Meanwhile Kai and I make eye contact awkwardly. He doesn't look away and I'm eating popcorn awkwardly.

"You know he's going to be Homecoming king right?" He looks to me.

I look to Jessie for help but she's still jotting down whatever. I can practically see smoke emitting from the paper, at the speed her pen in going.

"hm?" She hums for more explanation.

"He's going to win. He does every year." He continues his stare.

He finally looks away and I see Jessie's eyes glow. "Humiliation. He needs to die from humiliation! The prized king can't look like a fool on his big day!"

"Words please." I lean towards her.

"We need to do everything in our will power to make his Homecoming king day a living hell!"

Kai smiled and took a Reece's cup. "That's fucking good." He smiles at Jessie.

"Ok, so what would he hate to happen on his 'big day'?" I ask.

"Well for one, he loves his stupid hair." Kai scoffs. "Too fucking much. His reputation too."

"We definitely have a start." Jamie starts scribbling down.

"We're evil." I sigh and look out my window to Jackson's house.

"Well he is a jerk." Kai shrugs.

"Yeah, well so are bystanders." I look squarely at him.

He looks between my eyes shocked and opens his mouth to say something when Jessie interrupts. "I've got to go, but this was fun." She giggles maniacally. "See y'all, later?"

I nodded and give a smile back. Waving she leaves my room and left me with the most annoying person in the world.

"Meeting over. You can leave now." I gave him the cold shoulder. I layed back on my bed and held my phone up, waiting for him to leave.

His body casts a shadow above me and I thought he would leave, but instead he put his body above mine. His hands rested on my headboard above me and he looks down at me.

"Stop." He groans out.

I looked at him confused at what he was talking about.

"Don't give me that look. You have been ignoring me and playing this passive aggressive game, and I get it. I really do. But Leah, don't you see how bad I feel? I'm helping you plan a whole twisted prank to ruin my used-to-be best friend. I fucking fought him in your driveway. I said I'm sorry and apologized." He said with a heavy breath. "What more can I do to show you that I'm truly sorry?" He hung his head low enough to spread tingles on my neck.

I huffed a heavy breath and decided enough was enough. He was right. I carried this on and I can for a long time if I want, but I'm sorta done with this whole act. It's tiring at this point honestly.

"ok." I say in a small voice. "i forgive you."

His head came up and he looked at me with a smile. I smiled a small smile back and we looked at each other.

I really wanted to kiss him, but I didn't. And neither did he. And for some reason we couldn't stop looking at each other's lips. We stared for a minute or so until he shook his head and released his grip from my bed frame.

"I should get going..." He went to grab his shoes hastily.

"right." I got up.

I walked him out of my room and saw Milo in his dark room with the TV illuminating his room.

"Bye Milo!" Kai yelled out.

"Bye Kai, add me when you get home!" Milo shouted out happily.

"Sure thing." Kai yelled back as we made our way downstairs.

I walked him to the door and leaned on the doorframe as he left.

"bye." Kai said. We looked at each other and I wish I did something. Anything!

Instead I closed the door and leaned on it with a heavy sigh.

Why is it awkward now? Do I have feelings for him? For Kai Dalton?


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