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(Leah POV ♥︎)

We ended up working for a while. We started on English since we didn't have a lot of time and it was the easiest. In my opinion at least.

"Do you get the metaphor?" I asked.

Blowing a puff of smoke out he shook his head and put his head closer to paper, like it would magically give him the answer.

Kai mostly smoked, I talked, and every once in a while when I eyed the cigarette he would hand it to me. It still didn't feel good so I wasn't totally crazy about the whole smoking thing.

"I think it means." He held the cigarette in his mouth in deep concentration. "It means, he's lost. He doesn't understand and it symbolizes that in the dream." He looks up at me for confirmation.

My face spreads in a huge smile and I nod. "Yeah! Perfect! That's exactly what it means, and the sad part is that no one else sees his dream."

"Hm." He sat back.

"It's getting dark." I noted. Looking at the sky. The sunset passed and it was now almost sundown with the sky lighting a dark blue and purple sky. It wasn't giving very good lighting.

"Let's get going." He got up.

Packing my stuff he waited for me to get my things together before we both made it to the car.

"Last drag?" He asked.

I bit my lip deciding and said why not. He lowered it to my level and I inhaled.

"This is a sight I never thought I'd see." He said aloud.

I took a breath out and looked at him with my new confidence in smoking. He dropped the cigarette and smushed it with his foot.

"Leah Chanler, smoking a cigarette. You're parents are gonna kill you." He turned towards his car.

Oh shoot. My parents. Smoke has a distinct smell and they surely would detect it in two seconds. I ran towards Kai and my fear startled him.

"My parents! They can't smell the smoke. I need to- I need to get rid of it." I started panicking.

"There's the good girl Leah I know." He pointed and went in his car.

Getting in the passenger seat I put my hands on the gear shift causing him to look at me.

"Please help." I plead.

He rolled the windows down and moved over towards me. His hand, inches away from my lap. He opens the glove box and I relax a little when he takes a cologne bottle out. He sprays it on me and then shoves it back in his glove box. Closing it with a shut he shifts toward me.

"Is that ok now princess?" He asks annoyed.

My brows furrowed worried but I nod anyway.
He speeds out from the parking lot and for the first time I'm not complaining. The wind hits me and I pray for it to take away the smoke smell away.

I lean out the windows with my hands. My hair blows and I feel free.

I can't believe I smoked today. I won't become a smoker or anything, but I'm not a stranger anymore to it.

Turning around I see Kai shift his head quickly towards the windshield and I go back to laying out the window. My hair blows in the wind and my face feels like it's getting a harsh massage from the air. Which sounds terrible, buts it's not the worse.

Pulling into my neighborhood my face heats up and my heart starts to race a little bit (actually a-lot).

"Code?" He asks.

"6734." I respond.

The gates open and we enter the neighborhood.

"How do I smell?" I ask putting my chest towards his face.

He backs up a little and takes a waft.

"Like me." He chuckles.

"Like you?" Makes sense, I used his cologne.

"Alright, here's your stop." He pulls up to my house.

I open the door and grab my stuff. About to close the door I keep it open for a second.

"Thanks for teaching me how to smoke." I smile.

"That's not really something good, but I guess we teach eachother something." He shrugs.

I nod and then close the door and head towards my house. I look back and he looks at me until he goes straight foreword and out of sight.

I pull my keys out and expect my parents to hover me.

"Hello?" I call out as I get inside.

Milo sits on the stairs and looks at me. "they're on a date." He sounds bored.

"oh. What's up buddy, why do you look so gloomy?"

"Mom and dad got in a fight before they left." He picks at a hang nail.

I sit next to him on the staircase and put my arm around his small frame. He won't be small for much longer which saddens me, and I try not to think about.

"Bud, they'll figure it out. It won't even matter tomorrow." I give him a reassuring smile.

"Why do you smell like smoke?" He asks.

"oh... uh. Kai's dad smokes."

"He does?"

"yeah, but don't tell dad! Because he doesn't like smokers." I cover myself up.

"Oh, ok." He gets up. He leaves to go upstairs and thankfully to my lying abilities he won't think a second about the smoke.

"I guess I'll make dinner tonight." I say to no one but myself.

Heading to the kitchen, I get some prep stuff out. I take the plastic off the meat and go to throw it away, but there's something in the trash.

Glass fills it and a broken plate in pieces lays in the garbage.

Who broke this?


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