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(Leah POV ♥︎)

I did exactly what Kai told me to do yesterday. Well not really, but what I think he meant.

Sitting here on the bleachers I had one thought while looking at the basketball boys.

'Damn Jackson Ryan is hot.'

The coach blew his whistle and all the boys stopped in their tracks.

"Now what the hell are you doing Ryan?" He yelled. His voice was country and it had become raspy from yelling.

"Now I damn well know there is a pretty little lady over there." He points his bony finger at me. "But you need to get your head in the game boy." He roughly hits Jackson's back.

"Now come on son. Dalton, get a grip on him." He pushes Jackson towards Kai.

My face was flooded with blush and I stuck my nose in a book. Nope. Never looking up again. Wayyy too embarrassed.


"You stalking me now?"

I looked up from my book and meet eyes with Jackson. I smiled with my eyes and he released a beautiful smile back.

"So what are you doing here beautiful?" He rested his hands on the bleachers below me. His eyes up and looking at me, their blue color had me entranced and I couldn't open my mouth.

"Enough chit chat. Come on."  Kai said. He stood on the gym floor with his hair a dripping mess.

I guess In the time I was reading they left and already took a shower. They both were out of their basketball uniform and sported some athletic clothes.

"Come on?" Jackson turned around.

"Did Romeo not tell you?"

Jackson shook his head Kai shrugged. "whatever, Leah meet me in the parking lot." He spun his keys in his fingers.

I already planned this through and took the bus this morning so I didn't need my
car. I'm glad the plan worked out.

"ok." I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear while collecting my stuff. "I-I've got to go now."

"I know it's none of my business," Jackson rubbed the back of neck. "but- what's going on?"

I'm guessing Jackson has never been out of the circle. I see the panic and paranoia behind his eyes. Like he's scared of everyone suddenly talking bad about him,  or doing something with out him.

"sorry. I gotta go." I picked up my bag swiftly.

I practically sprinted out of the gym. Jackson probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo now. AGHHH.

"took you long enough." Kai said quietly under his breath.

We walked side by side to his car and I tried to keep up with his long strides. While walking I examined him for no reason. Purely out of boredom.

His shorts were on the short side and his shirt was tight fitting. It wasn't like he couldn't sport it; which annoyed me a teensy bit.

His legs looked massive in the shorts. His torso was cut and defined and showed through the shirt, which I know for a fact was on purpose.

His hair was still drying. It was a fluffy black mess and looked like it needed a good comb through it. It wasn't curly but straight. And was shaggy and looked soft.

"Jump in." He said, unlocking his car.

I got in and his car roared to life.

"Alright so we're going to my house right?" He asked.

"yeah, or we could go to a cafe, park-"

"Park sounds good." He cut me off and sped out of the parking lot.

I gripped the dashboard for dear life while he looked at me and laughed. Glaring at him he looked away, but still laughed at my sheer fear.


We made it to a deserted park and due to the 'lateness' of our study session, the sun was about to set. Not yet though as we had about 30 more minutes before it started to go down. However, you could see the slight hue coming in and the sun going lower and lower.

I jumped out the car and made my way towards a little picnic table. I pulled my backpack up on the table and sat down. Starting to pull my stuff out, Kai slowly came over to the table.

"Ok! So what do you need help with?" I asked. looking up at him.

He sat in the seat infront of me with no backpack near us. He looked at me and then took out a cigarette.

"Aren't those a little too old?" I mocked his cigarette.

"Ya, well this what I had in the car. And anyways, only elite smoke these now." He joked.

He lit the end causing it to go a bright red. The embers entranced me and I looked at it curiously.

"You wanna try?" He asked. His head was low and his hand held it out. "Scared?" He taunted.

I leaned forward and breathed in the smell. It was disgusting and every hair in my body told me to stay far, far away. And yet I sat here entranced.

He flipped it and held it out towards me. He nodded his head in a 'go ahead' motion, and I came closer to it.

I looked up at him and then back to the cigarette. "Go ahead." He smirked. He thought I wouldn't do it, but I proved him wrong.

I looked up at him while I inhaled. It was foreign and left my mouth feeling tingly. My lungs felt filled and I started having a coughing fit.

"You did it wrong." He said as I was dying from coughing too much.

My coughing wouldn't stop and I had to breathe for a second for it to go away. I recovered myself slowly by taking a few breaths in and out, in and out.

"How do I do it right?" I coughed out.

"Come on, you don't want to start th-"

"How do I do it?" I reiterated.

"Ok. Inhale and then suck in a little air and then blow out."

He held it out for me again and I bent over the table and looked him in the eyes as I did it. Watching me intently I followed his instructions and smiled when I let out a light cough.

My head felt a little dizzy and my stomach felt a bit queazy.

"Good girl."He leaned back and looked at me incredulously. "Did you really just do that?"

"Alright, so what are we working on?" I clapped my hands together.


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