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(Kai POV♥︎)

"What the fuck are you doing with Leah?" Jackson pressed me against a metal locker. It stung my back but I would never show him it affected me.

"Woaah now, don't you think it's a little too early to get this possessive?" I shove his hands off my shoulder.

He looked away annoyed and shifted his jaw. He let out a huff and I rolled my eyes.

"nothing is going on between Leah and me."

"That's a fucking lie! You went after her, after she left the diner."

"And that means...?" I push.

"That means you're close with her, fucking tell me! If you are maybe you could-"

"Hell no."

"Come on man. I have money being bet on me right now." He whispers.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I look at him like he's a dumbass. Because he is one.

"Romeo started it." He leans back on the locker next to me.

"This is too fucked up Jack. Don't you just wanna call it quits before-"

"Since when did you become such a pussy?" He clicks the roof of his mouth and looks away. "Anyways, don't be around her too much because she's supposed to be mine." He leaves.

"I think it's fucked up too." Will pops out of nowhere. It scares the living shit out of me and I jump back. "sorry." He whispers after scaring me half to death.

"Give a fucking heads up Will." I lift myself off the lockers and make my way to the sea of students.

"Romeo is such an ass." I mumble.

"He's an ass who wants money. He's only doing this for the profit, which he will end up telling Jackson he earns about fifty percent. Only because he thought of the idea." Will informs me. "I think Romeo has a serious gambling problem."

"Makes sense." My head connects the dots.

"See ya." Will leaves. More like vanishes.

Maybe this whole Jackson thing needs to stop.


I know I should apologize to Leah after what happened Saturday, but I can't find her anywhere today.

Looking around the halls I see a sign reading Library, and like a lightbulb, I suddenly know where she is.

Heading in, theres people studying and people skimming through books. Looking down the isles I see her and go to the next isle.

I walk where she holds a book up to her nose and looks completely immersed in it.

"psst." I whisper.

No response.

"hey!" I whisper louder.


"Hello?" I say out loud.

Is she deaf?

"Are you fucking deaf?" I say louder. But in library terms that means scream.

Our Librarian Mrs. Gertrude shhs me loudly and the whole library stares at me annoyed. Even Leah. At least I got her attention now.

"sorry." I whisper. They still don't fucking look away so I yell, "You can look away now."

Their heads go ducking and they all go back to whatever they were doing before.

"What do you want?" Leah whispers in a harsh tone. She looks up at me from between the book shelf.

"um," I clear my throat. "I just wanted to apologize for what happened the other day." I refer to Saturday.

"Yea, well good luck passing your mid term exams." She sticks a book in my face.

She leaves the isle and goes to another and I follow behind her like a lost little puppy.

"Come on Leah." She looks through the books completely ignoring me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you." I move my body to stand right next to her.

"I want something in return for tutoring you." She says out of the blue as she slams the book close. "If I'm teaching you something, I want you to teach me something in return."

What could I possibly teach Leah Chanler? She knows everything about science, math, history and probably knows about twenty different languages.

"Like what?"

"Like... how you showed me how to smoke." She looks at me with a devilish smile.

"Leah, that's not something really good to teach." I laugh and rub my neck awkwardly.

"That's the entire point." She says in a duh tone.

What is Leah on?

"Look. I'm seen as the good girl and you know I am. But I'm tired of it, and I'm not going to completely change myself. Mostly because I want to keep the colleges lined up for me, but I want to learn things, things I can't learn by myself. And you're the only one who could show me them."

"I don't know Leah..." I groan.

"ok. No more tutoring." She shrugs and goes to leave.

"fine." I hold her still by her wrist.

She turns around with a big smile. "Deal?" She holds out her right hand.

I let go of her wrist and shake her hand and say, "Deal."

"See ya after school then." She turns and leaves.

What in the world is Leah up to? Does she really want to ruin her life by learning how to do 'bad' things?

I really need the tutoring to continue doing basketball... but at what cost? Whatever, half of the things she won't want to do and it won't be a big deal.

Leaving the library my mind racks of what she considers 'bad' and what I could possibly teach her.


True to her word I spot her in the parking lot next to her car. She walks towards me and holds her pinky out.

"pinky promise me that you will teach me how to be a rebellious teenager." She looks up at me.

"First of all, no one says 'rebellious teenager', but whatever. I'll teach you whatever you want to learn, just don't get me in trouble." I roll my eyes.

She holds her pinky out and nods her head towards it. I huff and intertwine my pinky with her's. She holds onto it and squeezes it causing me to wince.

"I'll meet you at your house ok?" She let's go.

Getting in her car she leaves and I'm left confused about this 'Leah Chanler'.


AGH. this might be my fav chapter hehe

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