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(3rd person ♥︎)

Milo ended up going to Jackson's house while Leah stayed in doing homework-per usual.

Laying on her stomach with her feet dangling in the air, she had been staring at the same question for what's felt like forever. But how could she focus when her window looked into Jackson Ryan's house?

More specifically his room.

Deciding to take a peek; Leah could see a room full of a bunch of guys from her highschool.

She turned her head so quickly she might've gotten whiplash. Debating in her head if she should or should not cover her window with her blinds, and curtains she scribbled down an answer for a question ignoring the situation entirely.

She tried so hard to focus but it was no use. Her mind was everywhere. Finally getting up to the cover the window she decided to have a little fun.

Making eye contact with Jackson she wanted to be a little flirt by giving a sultry look with her eyes. Rationally she would never act on any flirtatious acts- but at her school it was almost like she was untouchable. I guess she was sort of considered a tease.

A little thud in her heart erupted in her chest after doing it. An exhilarating feeling that she doesn't get very much. Her life consisted of: School, Home, Sleep. Over and over. Nothing new nor exciting.

Walking back to her bed satisfied with the now new privacy, she let her hair down and got to work finishing her homework.


Jackson saw the look. He knew the look. And he liked the look. Like a game of cat and mouse he was up for a little challenge.

"She was looking at you Jacksonnn." Will, a friend of Jackson, egged him on.

"Yup." He smirked. His head swirled with formulating plans.

His door bursted open with an angry looking Kai. "I thought you said you had beer." He laid lazily on Jackson's bed.

"I only said that so you would come over you drunko." Jackson chuckled, throwing his remote control on Kai's back.

"I hate that bitch." Romeo sneered while scrolling through his phone.

"Why." Will laughed confused.

"She's like untouchable. She never talks to anyone. I bet she thinks shes better than everyone else, because she's Miss. Perfect." Romeo replied, rolling his honey eyes.

"She's hot though." Jackson sat in his desk chair relaxed with his hands behind his head.

Kai didn't think she was all that. Although he did have a crush on her when he was in third grade. She would wear pigtails almost everyday. Although they were never the same. One day they would be low the next high. Clips, butterflies, and bobby pins with animals would adorn her hair. He liked them. He'd always pick on her any chance he could get, and he would tug on her pigtails. She probably forgot but he didn't.

"What do you think." Will asked Kai.

"She's whatever." He shrugged.

"He has Samantha" Jackson dragged her name out.

"Now she's hot." Romeo pitched in pointing his finger at Kai.

"Not really. She's too clingy." Kai scowled.

"At least Leah wouldn't be clingy! She's always in her stupid books." Romeo laughed.

"I bet I could get her to break character. It would be so easy." Jackson said nonchalantly. He leaned back in his desk chair and looked out the window at her blinds.

"Yeah good luck with that. She's too posh and up tight." Romeo commented rolling his eyes once again.

"I know she's tight." Jackson winked.

"Ahhh that's nasty Jackson!" Will wailed.

Kai just ignored the group all together, he already knew it was a stupid idea. Leah wouldn't be that dumb to talk to him. However, Jackson could be very convincing.

"I'll show you guys." Jackson winked making his mind set. His goal was there. He knew the rough plan and evil thoughts filled his head.

"Don't go breaking her heart." Kai mumbled into the bed.

The guys didn't seem to hear him.


(Leah POV ♥︎)

Waking up my mind was filled with thoughts of yesterday. Like a rolling wave they never stopped and it wasn't even anything big. The thing is, I have never even done anything flirty. So to some it might seem arbitrary, but to me I'm physically dying on the inside.

Did I give a weird look? I tried my best all night to remind myself its just a meaningless look. He probably forgot all about it and could care less. But! What if he does care? What if he did see. Does he even know who I am?!?

'it doesn't matter. you barely looked at him nothing bad is going to happen' my conscious reminds me.

I spring out of my bed with that in mind and start to get ready for the day.

Wiggling my way into some skinny jeans, I then put on a basic shirt. Going to the bathroom I apply some mascara and lip gloss.
Finished with my look I grab my backpack and head downstairs.

"There she is!" My mother says with a sarcastic tone. "I called you only like 20 times!" I know she's over exaggerating.

"Well." She straightens her appron. "I made you some breakfast." She shows the laid out breakfast with a display from her hands.

"Not hungry." I shrug.

"Eat something." She slumps slightly.

"Do it for your mother." My dad chimes in.

I never really liked listening to my mother. She was so bossy and never liked when her plans got ruined or anything happened that was not planned her way.

My father on the other hand is more relaxed. Still he is strict which sucks. However, he doesn't nag at me the way my mother does. He nags at Milo, only because he wants him to grow into a "respectable young man". He is the heir to my father's company. It's small but it's also new and growing.

"Fine." I give in, making my way into my chair.

I take some toast and eat two slices only to satisfy my mother.

"Can I go now?" I look at my mother dully.

"Y-Yes." She crosses her arms annoyed.

"Ok bye." I kiss my father's cheek and leave.

Walking outside I see Jackson standing next to his car oddly.

"Hey!" He waves me over.

"Hey?" I look at him confused as he walks over towards me.

"My car... It's acting up. Can I ride with you?" He scratches the back of his neck.

"Um- Sure." I smile at him.

I unlock the car and get in with him following in suit.

Oh MY GOSH. I have Jackson Ryan in my car.

I drive normally trying to not make the silence in the car awkward. Reaching over to put some music on my hand touches a warm one.

"Oops." I move my hand back awkwardly.

"Did you want to put something on?" He looks at me squarely.

My heart races immediately and I try to shake this weird feeling.

"No- it's fine, you can put whatever." I smile lightly trying to focus on the road. I feel a light blush creep onto my cheeks.


(last 3rd person chap. thx for sticking around :ppp)

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