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(Kai POV ♥︎)

"Take me somewhere. Anywhere but here." She kept repeating.

I helped her up and she cried in my arm as I steadied her.

The door to what I'm assuming is the office bursts open and a man who looks to be her dad stands there with no shirt and his pants barely hanging on. A woman who looks to be her late twenties stands behind him with wild hair and his collar shirt on. I'm not dumb enough to not know what's happening.

"Please. Let me talk to her." He pleaded.

"Sir, I don't think right now is the time." I hold her from collapsing. "I'll bring her back when she's ready ok?"

I rush out the door and put her in my passenger seat. Getting in the drivers seat, she crumbles and cries an ugly cry. She let's everything go and I know exactly where to go.


Once we get there I got to her side to get her out.

"Leah, come on." I tug her arm.

She looks at me and her eyes are bloodshot red. Her cheeks and nose go red and she looks away. "Don't look at me." She wipes her nose.

"Come on, I brought us to a place to breathe." I smiled lightly.

She's stubborn, I'll tell you that. I brought her to an empty pasture full of wild flowers and fluffy grass. Considering the circumstances it's awfully sunny.

I would if I could carry her down the pasture, but considering it's twenty acres and up hill... I'll need her to walk for herself.

She got up and grabbed my arm and hid her face. "My face gets puffy when I cry so just lead the way." She stuffs her face away.


The whole time we walked she said she wasn't crying, but I felt the tears soak up my jacket and I felt terrible. We made our way to the middle of the acre. I wasn't going the whole twenty acres. It was far enough from a lot of people that's for sure.

I sat her down and then sat next her.

"Ok, scream." I told her.

She looked at me with her red puffy face and scrunched her face. "what?"

"Scream!" I yelled. "AGHHH" I demonstrated. "Your turn." I nodded to her.

"J-Just scream?" She asked. I nodded and she questioned more. "But wo-won't people hear a-and call the police?"

Only Leah Chanler would care. "No. There's no one around here." I showed with my arms the twenty acres of empty land.

"AGHHHH!" She screamed. It was deafening really.

"Gosh woman." I covered my ears. She continued and when her voice began to go hoarse she stopped.

"That felt good." She looked around and smiled.

The grass was soft and thankfully for winter around the corner all the annoying bugs went away. I laid back and Leah joined me.

"I'm a terrible sister." She quivered out. "Poor Milo is hearing their fights and I'm here in a pasture-"

"Leah. It's not your job to be the parents. They need to be the adults and handle it with Milo." I held her down.

She bit her lip and put her head in my chest. "Thank you Kai."

I patted her head and we laid back together. I looked up at the sky turning from the bright blue to an orange, red hue.

"I like it here." Leah commented.

"Me too."

"I want you to teach me something." She sat up.

"Hm?" I supported myself with my elbows.

"How to drink."


"What?" She looked shocked.

I will not turn her into a drunk. Starting drinking when in an unstable state is a recipe for disaster. "Not while you're like this. It will lead you down the wrong path. Hell no." I laid back.

"Fine." She huffed. "How about later?"

"Maybe." I responded.

We stayed quiet for a moment until she said, "I don't want to go home." in a small voice.

"I can't leave Milo, but I just can't look at my dad the same." She picked some of the grass blades out.

"You can stay at my house tonight. My sisters off in college so you could stay in her room." I offered. "My mom wouldn't mind since she loves you." I chuckled.

"I didn't know you had a sister." Her face fills the sky.

"Yeah. She's off in college right now studying architecture." I sighed.

"Cool. By the way, I love your mom too." She giggled above me. "Could we stay here for a little while longer?" She asked looking down at me.

"as long as you want." I closed my eyes, relaxing.


Leah ended up staying at my house and her mother completely understood. Her mother and Milo currently are at their grandmas and were waiting for her dad to pack his stuff and leave.

Her dad had enough money to buy another house, so he wasn't going to make the kids switch schools.

Her mother didn't want to see his face either and poor Milo wasn't sure what was going on. He's not that young, but I guess his mom was just too scared to tell him. Or more or less tell herself.

Entering my house my mother flooded Leah with a hug. "I made some dumplings sweetie." She tucked a piece of hair behind Leah's ear.

Our dinner consisted of mom shoving food down Leah's throat, and Leah gladly taking it.

"Marry a girl like Leah. I like Leah." She winks at her. "Leah's too good for you though!" She laughed at me.

I ignored her and ate some noodles from a soup my mom made.

"Leah do you have a boyfriend?" My mom asked. She can be so intrusive sometimes.

"Not yet!" She laughed.

"Do you like anyone?" She leaned forward and raised her eyebrows.

"Maybe." Leah giggled. Her face turned beet red and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh? Is he cute, smart, what's he like?" She gave a dreamy smile.

Leah laughed and picked around her food on her plate. "yea, he's cute. He has blonde hair and blue eyes." She said.

"He's an asshole." I said bluntly.

"Kai. Language." My mother scolded. I shrugged unapologetically.

Leah doesn't know about what Jacksons planing to do and I know I really should tell her, but I think he's the one who should do it. If this goes too far (which so far it's gone nowhere) I'll tell Leah.


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