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(Leah POV ♥︎)

My mother ended up going out of state. She drove and drove until she felt content. And with no direction, but lots of money, she would be just fine.

My grandparents who are loaded gave her money. She gave us half and it felt weird being in charge.

I treated Milo and me to some Chick-fil-A for dinner and we watched a movie together to distract us.

"Leah." Milo looked up at me.

"What's up Milo?"

"Do you think dad feels bad?" He asked.

I tried not to think of dad at all honeslty. I can't bare the thought of him truly. "I don't know, but I would hope so." I tucked a curl behind his ear.

"Mom said she knew." He looked at the TV screen emotionless.

"Knew what?" I asked.

"Knew he was cheating." He turned to me.

The entire time? "W-why didn't she say anything?"

"I guess she was scared of the truth. The fact that dad really was cheating on her. I think she tried to ignore it, but then you found out and it was like the first time for her." He shook his head.

"Wow." I sat there breathless.

"Night." He left.

I pulled my phone out and face-timed Jessie immediately.I can't keep it from her anymore. At least for my sanity.


I stood over the oven and scrambled some eggs. It's so weird how in a week this entire house hold just fell apart.

I'm picking up the pieces and I can't really complain about it. I have money, the house and Milo is really understanding about everything.

"Hey, Is it cool if I spend the night at Jeff's tonight?" Milo walks in the kitchen.

"Yeah, that's fine! If you need me don't be afraid to call me and I'll pick you up." I turned and smiled at him.

He was already ready and had his backpack underneath him.

"I won't be home until later... do you need me to take you or?"

"No his mom offered to drive me."

"Ok cool. I have to tutor Kai anyway." I served him a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.


"Leah!" Jessie ran up to me. "I'm so sorry for what's going on." She swung her arms around me.

"It's fine Jessie. It really is." I looked away trying not to cry at school.

"Leah, if you ever need help don't be afraid to ask me. There's so much put on you and I wouldn't mind helping and lifting the weight." She hugged me

"Thank you." I tried contain the tears.

Don't be weak.

I shook my head and said "By the way, I was thinking about Saturday and how I think I want to kiss Jackson." I giggled.

She smiled and listened. "There is just one problem. I don't know how to kiss someone." I rubbed my fingers.

She coughed a "Liar." As she was referring to yesterday.

"It's easy Leah don't stress. It comes naturally." She winked. "And anyway you can just ask Kai to teach you." She walked off laughing.

Wait would Kai let me?

"Don't act.-" She started, but I tuned her out.

It wouldn't be weird with Kai because he's my mentor in this kinda stuff. Right?


The day was weird. I fell asleep in half of my classes and my teachers kept asking me if I was alright.

I was always the one to raise my hand right away, ask questions, and be attentive. However, today was the complete opposite. I sat in my desk and rested my head on it all class period. I never asked questions or said anything to the teachers, and I barely worked on my work.

By the end of the day I felt empty. I wasn't a fan of the behavior today.

I'll have to study extra hard if I keep doing this. I should fix it. I thought as I got into my car. Kai texted me to meet me at his house.


Pulling into the driveway his mother came springing out.

"Leah! Leah! Kai is an idiot." She ran towards me.

"What's going on?"

"He-he got a tattoo." Her face was pure sadness and I felt bad for her. I put my arm around her and she dragged me inside.

Kai sat there with no shirt and looked around the living room annoyed.

"Ma. It's not a big deal." He grumbled.

"Look!" She pointed. "Idiot! Now you will never get a good job." She threw her hands up.

There was a big red skin patch on the side of his torso. It was on his side where his armpit was but was on his rib age area. It was huge and was a red from where it was tattooed. It was covered with some sort of transparent paper thing and my fingers reached towards it.

"Don't." He smacked my hand away with a scowl.

I gave him an ugly look and said "sorry."

"Tell him he's an idiot Leah. Tell him!" She scolded him.

"Kai, you're an idiot." I looked at him dead in the eye.

He rolled his eyes and smacked his tongue. "Whatever. Lets study." He walked past me angrily.

"Leah, convince him to get it removed."

"That's a lot of money Mrs. Dalton." I gave her a sympathetic face.

She huffed and left with a frown. I went upstairs to his room and saw Raisin under the bed.

"I guess she doesn't like the tattoo either." I shrugged while peeking at Raisin and giggled.

"She still loves me, right Raisin?" He asked and went towards her. She went further under and made a noise.

"Whatcha need studying with?" I jumped on the bed.

"Um... history." He threw his backpack on the bed.

"What over?"

No response. Ok.

"I going to guess it's American history? And middle year is cold war?" I took a wild guess.

"I dunno." He threw his folder at me. Hey! He used my organization skills.

I picked it up and I was correct. 10 points to me!

"You're such a nerd." He laughed.


I ended up teaching him way more than he needed to know about the cold war. Mostly cause I'm a history buff.

"How do remember all this stuff?" He flipped threw his packet.

"I don't know. I really don't have friends during the summer so, more studying time." I shrug.

"That's sad." He laughed at me unapologetically.

"Shut up." I pushed his arm. "Hey I need you to teach me something."


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