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(Kai POV ♥︎)

She put her head on my lap and laided on the edge with her face an empty and blank expression. Though it wasn't a very blank expression with tears spilling down her face. It was hurtful to see her in this much pain.

She suddenly turned over and faced me with her head. "Kai, when I kissed you it felt different. You lied to me." She fake pouted.

I hummed and looked away. I can't face her right now. Not when my feelings feel unsettled and weird.

"Look at me please." Her small voice erupted. She placed a hand on my jaw and tilted it down.

I pushed her hand off for being touchy and looked down at her. Her face contorted and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Kai don't be an asshole." She pushed my head slightly back.

"Leah when you say stuff like that, I- I don't know how to respond." I huffed.

"So don't respond. Just listen." She looked up at me.

I couldn't help it anymore and lightly grabbed her neck and kissed her. Her body moved up and she sat sideways to maintain the kiss.

My hands trailed down to her waist and brought her to my lap. She put her legs on one side of my lap and I held her there with my hands. She then placed her hands on my chest and deepened the kiss. Her lips were soft and I'd be an idiot to ever pull away.

I have no idea what this girl is doing to me. She is the most infuriating and know-it-all-bitch. But she's also the most amazing girl I have ever met. She's tough and resilient and so very beautiful.

She pulled away first and put her head in my shoulder. With a staggered breath she said in my ear "Wow."

I smiled and looked at her. She moved up and looked between my eyes with a swirl of confusion.

"This is weird."

"I don't think so." I replied.

"You don't?"


She giggled and hesitantly moved her hands to my face. "Your friends are gonna make fun of you." She looked at my lips. She slurred slightly and I realized she was drunk.

She probably meant none of this. My body shot up and she looked at me with shock.

"It's late. Let's get you home." I jumped off the ledge and grabbed my stuff. She came down after me and tried to hold my hand but I avoided her contact. I walked towards my car fast and a little aggravated. My little drunken state was stone cold sober at the thought of what Leah just did.

"Kai! Did- Did I say something?" She ran towards me.

I went in my car and started it. I waited for her to get in and when she did I left no room for talking. Immediately I turned the radio on and opened the window. As usual she stuck her head out the window and closed her eyes.

Her beautiful blonde hair blew in the wind and her body was pressed against the window. She put her fingers at the edge of the window and let her head roam free.


I pulled up to her house and looked away, expecting her to get out, but she was fast asleep. Drunk sleep is like a temporary coma.

"Leah!" I whisper screamed. I tapped her arm, and she had no response. I shook her arm and nothing but a tiny snore.

I got out of the car and made my way to her side. She was dead asleep so I scooped her up and carried her towards the house. I reached in her backpack for anything and found a set of keys.

It was completely dark and empty. I couldn't find her keys so I fumbled with her bag for a second till I heard jingle.

A loud sound pierced the quite night and I looked around to see light emitting from Jackson's front door.  A body filled the door and I hurriedly searched for the keys. Finding them I unlocked the door but didn't have enough time to get in.

"Kai Dalton?" A voice asked with bass.


"What are you doing at Leah's house?" He rubbed his eyes and walked up her driveway.

I still held her and tried to wake her up, but it was no use.

"Kai, why are you holding her? Have you been lying to me this entire fucking time?"

I'm pretty tired of this lying bullshit so I fessed up. "Yeah, Jackson. I did lie."

"Have you been telling her everything behind my back? I know you were there, you knew what I was doing." He began to raise his voice.

Finally Leah started to wake up as I felt her in my arms wiggle.

"Yeah, and what you were going to do is way more fucked up." I yelled back.

He scoffed and said "So what? You all of a sudden care about her? She's Leah Chanler. You'd be an idiot to go out with her instead of Samantha."

Leah moved around more and tried to put her feet to the ground. I let her stand wobbly and for some odd reason what Jackson said made me furious.

Placing her down I ran to Jackson with a punch to his face. His head knocked back and he lost his balance but didn't fall.

"w-whats going on?" I heard Leah mumble.

"Your fucked up in the head Jackson! You know that? You have fucking problems!" I yelled in his face.

He was stumbling over his feet trying to regain his balance. His face was red from the punch and he had a raged look. He pushed me back from his face and tried to hit me, but I blocked it. I tried hitting him in the face again but his fist made contact with my stomach making me groan.

"Hey! Wh-Whats going on!" I heard Leah yell.

I pushed Jackson and landed a punch right in his jaw. He rubbed it and pushed me down to tackle me. I grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back and felt a hand on my back.

"Kai stop! Please stop!"

My shoulder yanked back from being pushed by Jackson and my elbow made contact with something solid.

I heard a yelp and immediately looked back to see Leah covering her face.

"Enough Jackson! Fuck off!" I pushed him to the ground.

His head hit the concrete and I looked down at him. "Leave her alone. I don't ever want to hear you speak even a word to her." I spit at him on the ground.

I picked Leah up from the ground and she held her face then entire way to her front door. She cried quietly and my face was laced with worry.

I opened the door and closed it behind me making sure to lock it.

I took her to the kitchen and pulled her up on the island. I turned on a random switch that gave up some source of light. It was light from under the cabinets and dim.

"Open your hands Leah." I tried to pry her hands.

She let go of her hands and I saw the tears streaming down her face. I cradled her face and looked at her red eyebrow. Blood trickled down it and it started to bruise. She also had a forming bruise on her high right cheekbone.

"I'm so sorry Leah." I brought her close and kissed her hair.

She sniffled and put her head in my chest and asked "Wh-Why did you even get in a fight with him!"

She was aggravated and I could understand why. It looked like I picked a fight for no reason but if she only knew.


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