Chap 2:Forget About It

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Dear Ender Diary,

                              After yester day we were sent to are dorms and to day every one is getting questioned as the twin died because of blood lose. Yesterday was hard the whole school reeked, giving me the most intense pain. I need to go to the hall in five to be questioned. Their probably gonna asked where I was when the school went into lock down or if I know anything about why someone would kill one of the most anoyingist people in the universe!

Ivory's POV

It's to hot in the nether for a cold blooded monster like me. I have to go to the main hall befor they get suspicious on why I'm not their. I'll use my voide ring to get their quicker but I have to make sure no one sees me doing it other wise I'll get in so much trouble. After the questioning I'll have 3 Minuits to get back to my dorm. I don't want to be cleaning the staff toilets. You can smell them from a mile away let alone next to them. I walked up to a small cleaning cupboard and got in their. I put on my ring and teleported into a croud of people so that I would not get noticed by the cameras. It was a delicate operation anything could go rong at any time. If I got cought I would be top of the list for the murder.

My hair was down and it whent down to the bottom of my shoulder blades. It was dipped died purple. I had to were stupid school uniform in school hours but i didn't listen to school rules. I still wore my black hoodie and my finger les gloves. I walked into the hall were i saw two teachers beckoning mr to go over to then. I headed towards then and sat down at the small black dest.

"So lets get started Where were you five Minuits befor the lock down?" Said miss serpent. I replied with

"In magic class doing my test" she smiled and shook her head.

"If you were in you magic class then how come we have footage of you in the combate room with miss lunar" my jar dropped when I herd this come out of miss' mouth. I hadn't been in the combat room since Monday so how could this be?

I stud up with my hand on the table

"Are you acusing me of murder because it wasn't me!!!" I shouted making everyone in the room stare at me. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder it was mrs galefray.

"It's ok she is telling the truth Ivory was with me when the school whent into lock down" she said to miss who was now taking notes in her note pad. I don't get it though why would mrs galefray back me up like that. She practically hates me. I fact the only person she likes is mr fluffles the class cat. At this point i was outraged so i took my chance to leave. I got out urleir than expected so i headed to Elise's room. When I got their the door was open. I peeked in to see a note on the bed and that her desk had so many letter scattered across it you could not see the wood any more. I snuck in holding my gard and shut the door behind me. It gave a loud creek as it closed. I scanned the room to find a clue to were she had got to. All classes were canceled thanks to the incident so couldn't be their. I felt a drip of a liquid on my head and automaticly looked up. In horror i saw Elise dead hanging like a bat on the ceiling. My hands were now on my mouth and I could not get them of it. I sprinted out the room to the closest teacher, mrs Gondar. I told her everything as she followed me to Elise's room. Miss had the same reaction in did when in found her.

"Ivory I will have to report this to principle buzzybee and you need to go back to your room befor curfew" she said i just nodded and when miss left i teleported to the door outside my room.

When I got in i sat on the bed and Matt sat next to me. I'm fed up of being accused for thing i didn't do! First it's drinking that girls blood on Monday. Then it was for the murder of one of the twins and I bet soon ill be accused for Elise's death. Notch sake it sucks to be me.

Knock knock

Someone was at the door so i sent Matt to answere it as I was a state at the moment. He came back with a worried look on his face i got up from my dark confined space and walked outside into the corridor. The first thing i saw was the twin sanding infrunt of me. He had a silver sword in his hand and looked so missreble it put my feeling right now to shame.

"Did you kill my sister?" He said in the most petrifying voice possible.

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