Chap 6:The Awakening

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The darkness surrounded me in a heart beat. No sound to be herd for miles. It was just me and me alone. My enderside was unleashed and now that it had been released who knows what it will do. It was cold around me and even with my jacket on I still shivered and shook. My heart pace slowed down as my magic grew weaker. With every spell that ender does my abilities will get worse and worse till I am unable to do anything for myself. I get up from my small curled up ball and start to pace my steps toward what I thought was forward but who knows when your in the void.

There was a light, in the distance but it was just nearly out of sight and the closer I got to it the further away it got. It was neon purple and the colour filled my heart with hatred. The colour purple reminded me of what I am... A monster of the night. Like something you would tell kids to scare them a night, so that they would be good. I didn't believe in them. The light looked as if it was a person but it was a girl with red fiery hair that changed my emotions instantly.I ran towards her as she disappeared into thin air but the light that was behind her still shone with its full potential.

My eyes shot open to find myself in a cold sweat, In the infirmary at school. I glance around to see my surrounding, when I see Matt staring at me with a very untrusting but curious manner.

The school nurse was over o. The other side of the room, taking care of someone els. I looked down at myself to see me covered in blood but not my blood. It was ruby red but it wasn't human blood, it was werewolf. The nurse came walking to me slowly probably taking precaution of me. She had in her hand a blood tablet and a glass of witch water. Your supposed to put the tablet in to the water and it turns into fake blood but it doesn't fool my thirst for blood. It kinda makes it worse for me. She puts the tablet into the water and it turns a dark red colour and forces the contents of the glass down my throat. As the liquid runs down my throat it burns leading me to cough it back up again spilling it all down my shirt. The lady, who was the nurse, just stared at me and Matt walked over to me. Suddenly I saw a big scratch across his chest. Then it all flooded back to me. I did that to Matt, well when my enderside came out it looked like me doing it but it wasn't and the blood on me was Matt's. I stood up to hug him but my legs weren't strong enough to hold me and I fell into his arms.

"I'm so sorry it wasn't me" I said with tears streaming down my could of I done this to him?

"Don't worry about it I'll be fine it should be you your worrying about" he said with a sweet caring voice that warmed me from the inside out. My long black hair had know got a purple strip down it that made me look stupid but I guess it's what happens when you let a human/ship-shaper steel some of your magic. I need to find the twin or I can just avoid him and leave campus for a bit. Oh but wait the note!!!

"See ya later Matt" I shouted behind me. I did feel kinda bad after just leaving in such a hurry but I need to read that stupid ignorant note. It may help me in somewhat telling me about the murder. I think at the moment it will be better if I just keep away from zero, the twin, as he might still want me. I don't no what I was thinking yesterday. I guess I got all court up with the hunger that I lost it a little. Running through the corridors, I failed to realise i was still covered in the repulsing red liquid from the glass. People were starring i needed to get to my room before I do anything. It does look suspicious but I'll have to deal with it.

The room was dark, I struggled finding the light switch rubbing my hand against the wall. I

finally found it after rubbing my soft delicate hands across the ruff wall. I opened my wardrobe and picked out a dark purple dress and night black cardigan and my jet black ankle boots. I kept my gloves with not fingers out as if I needed to run outside i could loose what ever i was running from in the trees but i don't want to get splinters. After I got changed and put my belt on to hold Enderbane I was ready to go to the combat training room. It was starting to get dark so I pulled out my mask to hide my face. It was curfew so I had to stay very quiet and not get seen by any watch guards.

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