Chap 17: Stick and stones may break my bones but magic will never hurt me

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The cold marble floor surrounded me but my mind was set on what was next for me. I couldn't be here for much longer, my six hundred years are almost up. It was a short time for me but a long tim for a human.

The scars on my arms weren't heeling and the black veins didn't go down. My clothes covered in blood, my own blood. Four guards were outside the door. One way in, one way out. Magic would only get me so far as it would be only a matter of time when it will run out, my heeling magic is at its capacity keeping me alive. I have to escape even if the world will hate me.

Shuffling to the corner of the room I knock on the wall. I was trying to get the attention of one of the guards. He turned to face me but his hand on his blade. I stood up as he walked in through the titanium door. The keys jingled and jangled in his back pocket but they were just out of my reach. My arm reached out in eagerness but it got to the better of me as the head came in with a knife in her hand. She through the knife at my hand but mist, still cutting through my skin. The blood Splattered across the floor. All she wanted was answers but for somereason I had gone mute, it was no use, I couldn't talk even I'd I wanted to. My powers were straining just to keep me alive, at times like this i was lucky I was born an ender and not born or ine. I would be dead. She walked up to me picking up the knife on the way, her blazing ruby eyes glowed with anger and stress and her feeling shot through me like lightening. As soon as she was about to kill me my mouth opened realising a small "STOP!!!"

Her arm reacted on the floor and I let out a big sigh.

"He stride to kill me first it was self defence" the sorry words spilled out. My brushed and cut body near to death was picked up my the guard. He was taking me back to my room..... To pack, I was going soon.

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