Chap 4:Twin

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I didn't have time to think at all. it was either the note or the twin.I could come back for the note but it might be gone the time i come back. how was i to make this decision. all i know is i had to make it quickly as the twin was heading towards the door as sir was talking to the board class. I sneaked behind everyone to have Matt pull my arm back I shoved him of and legged it to he door. I made my choice i will come back for the note so that i can see if it was a clue. for know i was to follow the twin so that he would not get hurt. we may be the best trainees in the world but we still have boundaries on what we can do.

Following him was like trying to keep your eye on six toderlers while on the phone and cooking at the sametime. i lack the skill on keeping an eye on things that aren't mine. I follow him till the sky goes dark and I feel my heart go cold. What was he doing? He pulled a knife out his pocket but with hesitation. The blade of the knife sliced through his skin leading to blood sprawling and dribbling down his arm. My eye glow in the brightest teal as the smell of his blood filled my nostrils. I naw know what he was doing, he was killing himself to see his sister again. I didn't stop him. I just toured around and walked away as I don't want to get into any more trouble as it is. Then I remember the note....

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