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"I don't like this." He was sitting next to her, knee bouncing up and down as he tried to get comfortable in the hard plastic chair.

It had been a week since they had gotten home from Chicago and the morning they landed, she called her doctor to schedule an appointment to discuss the whole process. She had decided to also read up on it and try to understand what she was in for... It didn't seem that crazy any longer and after a brief explanation to her doctor, she didn't think he sounded too worried either.

However, that morning, to Stevie's surprise, she wasn't the most nervous person in the waiting room... Lindsey was.

"Calm down," She whispered, brow creased just a tad. "Why are you so worked up?" She hadn't seen him like that in years- he was so antsy, it was driving her nuts.

Shaking his head, he leaned back in his seat, trying to act normal. "I'm not," he lied, still staring at the floor instead of looking up at her.

He was nervous... He didn't like the idea anymore, not one bit and he wasn't exactly sure why.

"Stephanie?" The nurse popped out from behind the door, a welcoming smile trailing across her face.

"Hi," She pushed herself up, getting ready to hand Lindsey her bag, but he stood up too.

He wasn't planning on just sitting out there... he wanted to listen in on that conversation too, just to ease his mind.

"How have you been doing?" The nurse led the way down the hallway, turning back to glance at both of them.

"I'm great." She shrugged softly, holding out her hand casually for Lindsey to take.

She knew something was weighing heavily on his mind, but she didn't know what. The week before, he was all on board with this plan to carry their first grandchild and suddenly, she felt like he was a basket case.

"That's good to hear." She opened the door for them, allowing them into the small room to wait for the doctor.

And as Stevie sat down in a chair, Lindsey right next her, she suddenly felt very self conscious. She was beyond the years of having kids, yet there she was, trying to carry a child... She felt kind of crazy and the fact that the nurse was thirty years younger, didn't help much.

"We should get drinks after this." She mumbled, motioning for him to face the wall while she put on that weird gown.

He turned in the chair, a light laugh filling the air around them. "I think that's exactly what I need." He already had a morning pick- me- up with his coffee, but after that, he knew he would need something else... something a little stronger. 

"We should have a couple of hours, even though I'm supposed to go to dinner tonight with Janie, Elise and one of our clients to discuss an upcoming wedding." She slid the stiff material over her head, fluffed her hair a tad and then she sat down again.

"Shouldn't you just take a break?" Lindsey didn't want to admit- not to her, but he was worried.

He knew that if she was really going to carry a baby, she needed to slow down.

"Break from what?" She looked over at him with an arched brow. "Eating? Working?" She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but also wasn't exactly sure what he was implying.

He knew better than try and control her... She didn't take his advice thirty years earlier and chances were, she wasn't interested in it then either.

He let out a deep sigh, shaking his head gently. "I'm just worried about you." His voice grew soft as he stared into his favorite set of brown eyes.

Stevie's heart sank as she leaned forward in her chair. "You do know that I'm going to be okay, right?" She was certain that she would make it through just fine- she had children before, she knew what to expect, but the look in his eyes told her that he didn't have as much faith.

"You have to be." His was so serious. "I need you."

Her vision started to blur as tears quickly filled the brims of her eyes. "I know," She whispered, nodding gently.

Before he could anything else, there was a subtle knock on the door and then it slowly creeped open. "Hi, Stevie." The doctor gave them both a smile as he stepped into the room.

Reaching out slowly, she took Lindsey's hand in here once again. "Hi, there."


It was a nightmare. It was absolutely terrible for her. She spent half an hour getting bloodwork and then another half an hour eating cookies and drinking juice boxes in hopes she wouldn't pace out. And of course, all the way home, while she laid in the backseat, trying to keep herself from getting sick, Lindsey kept asking her if she was okay.

He didn't like it, not at all. He wanted to beg her not to do it, yet she was suddenly really determined and the last thing he was going to do, was tell her what she should do.

Thankfully, by the time they got home and she had to start getting around for the meeting, she was feeling much better and Lindsey disappeared downstairs for awhile, which is exactly what they both needed.

Before she had even put her clothes back on, the doctor told her that she was very healthy for her age and he said that he didn't even have to physically see her bloodwork to know that she was capable of being a surrogate.

"So a June wedding?" Elise gushed, giving a big smile to the young couple sitting across the booth from them.

"We are so excited!" She was a gorgeous young bride and so obviously thrilled. "Aren't we, baby?" She reached over, shaking his hand softly.

He nodded his head, and Stevie can't help but smirk... He reminded her of Lindsey at that age. "Yeah, it's cool." He just trying to apprise her, like all good husbands do for their wives.

When Lindsey and Stevie were planning their wedding, he would just smile and nod, secretly hoping to get through it to have cocktails at the reception. She was so mad that he wasn't interested in what kind of cake they would have, or what color their bridal party would wear. But that morning, the morning of their wedding, her mother pulled her aside and told her that it was the easy part... The wedding was the fun, simple moment in a marriage and then everything that came after would be a lot more strenuous. She told Stevie that she needed to love every second of that day, because in the blink of an eye, it would have come and gone. She was right.

"How many guests are you looking at for your big day?" Janie jumped right into it, which pulled her boss right back to reality.

"Um," she glanced over at her fiancé, who was already three drinks deep and really floating. "We sent out about 250 save the dates."

"Perfect, so-" Elises words were cut off by the sound of Stevie's cell phone ringing.

"I'm so sorry," creasing a brow, she started to fish through her purse, getting ready to decline the call when she saw that it was Becky... "You can continue without me. I'll be right back." She slid out of the booth and trailed through the crowded restaurant.
"Hello?" Stevie knew it had to be something important, because her friend wouldn't call while she was working if it weren't.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Stevie." Becky let out a deep sigh as she glanced over at Lindsey, who was acting totally out of the ordinary. "Lindsey has been here for a little while, having drinks with Dan and I've stopped them both, but he's really..." she paused for a short moment, shaking her head softly as she tried to find the right words to use. "He's really upset and I think it would be best if you came to pick him up."


I accidentally published before it was ready... So sorry if you read it with all those mistakes, haha.

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