Twenty- Two

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Creasing brow, Lindsey leaned forward in his chair. "Excuse me?" He just wanted to make sure he had heard his son correctly.

"I think it would be easier for her." Crosby shrugged nonchalantly, almost like he wasn't asking to move his pregnant mother half way across the country, away from everything and everyone she was used to.

"You don't know what your mother needs." Lindsey didn't like that idea, not at all and he wasn't going to play along like he did. He thought it was ridiculous.

Scoffing, Crosby held up his hand to settle him down. "I'm not saying that, alright? Chill out." He tried not to roll his eyes, but it was hard.

He felt like his dad was really overreacting- it was just for a couple of months, not forever and then she would be right back at home, like nothing had every happened.

"No, I won't chill out." Lindsey didn't say "no" all that often to his kids, so when he did- they knew he wasn't fooling around.

"She fucking fell and hit her head last week, dad." Crosby fired back. "If she's with us, she'll be taken care of and she won't be working up until the baby comes." He added, though he quickly regretted his poor choice of words as soon as they left his mouth.

"I can take care of my wife." Lindsey's hand met his chest, trying to defend himself, even though he really didn't feel like he needed to.

Stevie wasn't forced to work- she had an entire staff under her, and Lindsey wasn't sure he liked his son just making wild assumptions.... Crosby had hardly been around in the ten years leading up to that moment- what did he even know about them? Nothing. He knew nothing, yet there he was, trying to run the show. It made his father a little upset.

"That's not what I meant." He didn't mean to make it sound like that, even though he kind of felt that way at times.

Letting out a deep sigh, he gave his son that look- the look that meant he needed to back off. "You can ask her yourself."


Across town, at little Italian restaurant, Stevie and Elise sat next to one another in a booth, listening intently as Lucy rambled on and on about everything she could think of.

She was very chatty, which made Stevie smile... She liked a good talker. And she felt like finally, after hardly knowing anything about Lucy, she was just starting to understand her....Or at least she was trying to, anyway.

It wasn't until after they had gotten their drinks and appetizers before Stevie, or Elise were actually able to get a word in. Elise asked a little about Lucy's career- she worked in fashion right in downtown Chicago, which her sister- in- law just loved. And by the time Stevie's mind had totally drifted off, Elise was already planning a trip to the Mid- West.

It was nice, yet Stevie still had so many questions and she felt like she didn't have much time to ask them.

"What does your mother think about me doing this?" She had wanted to know from the moment she met Lucy, but up until then, she didn't feel like she was able to ask... She really didn't know Lucy well enough to just slide into her life.

Nodding her head softly, Lucy's eyes melted into her mother- in- laws. "My mom is very thankful and so excited." She admitted, a soft look lingering between the two women. "She would have loved to do this, but she just turned seventy." Her words stunned them both... Seventy?

"Oh, wow." Elise nodded her head, eyes a little big as she tried hard not to sound too shocked.

"Yeah," Lucy chuckled, a gentle shrug following her words. "She totally loves Crosby though and knows how much we've wanted a baby." Once again, her eyes wandered to Stevie's.

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