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Shoyo had just arrived with Tetsurou to come pick up Tobio. The original plan was to pick him up and leave the house because they don't trust Tooru to live with Tobio. But the fact that Miwa called to say Tobio is once again admitted into the hospital made him realize he should've been there sooner. As he arrived there, he found Tobio's parents and Tooru in there.

"You little shit, what did you do to him?!" Shoyo attacked Tooru at an instant.

"Calm down Shoyo! He saved him." Miwa backed Tooru up.

"Pft, like I would actually believe that. Why would Tobio even be here in the first place?!"

They heard a faint groan and immediately, all eyes fell on the blue eyed who was waking up. Tooru grabbed his hand, being there for him. Tobio who sensed the touch looked at him and colours faded from his face.

"Tobio?" Miwa called.

"You're... you're supposed to be dead."

The Kageyama family was shocked by this statement. Tooru was reminded of his suicide attempt and figured that must've been why he screamed.

"I'm perfectly alive and breathing." Tooru said.

"Yea, but I saw you. On the floor. Dead."

Tooru just stared at Tobio who broke into cold sweat. It was as if he was looking at a ghost and it was scary to Tobio. Tobio pulled his hands from Tooru's grip and whispered something.


"Get out." Tobio repeated, louder.


Tooru spent a whole hour just walking around the hospital after getting kicked out of his husband's room. He was about to go on another round until Miwa called him and asked him to come back to Tobio's room.

When he arrived, there was a gloomy aura around all of them — the Kageyama family. Miwa who saw him first stomped over to him and punched him in the face.

"You little shit." She spat.

"Miwa." Mr Kageyama called for his firstborn. Miwa scoffed and looked at him with disbelief. He shook his head. Miwa groaned and backed away.

Tooru could already guess why she did that. Shoyo was right there behind Mr Kageyama, cocking his brows once at Tooru. Tooru was about to lash out but he saw the disappointment in his mother-in-law's eyes.


"I... trusted him to you. My son. My one and only son. And yet you betrayed that trust." She said. It was faint, soft, but you can hear how disappointed she was.

It hurts.

"Mother... I-I'm sorry!"

She looked at Tooru, trying to show the brunette love but it was faintly there. Tooru could tell she was trying so hard not to show anger.

"As of today... you no longer call me mother. And Tobio is no longer yours to call husband."


Tobio stared at the blue sky as he sat on one of the benches in the hospital's garden. His family just left him a while ago and he was told by the doctor to clear his head. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

This felt nice.

As he cleared his head, he could feel all his worries disappear. Little by little, he started to remember the faces of his loved ones, specifically, the loved ones he had forgotten.

𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞: 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now