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"Iwaizumi! Where you going?! We have practice!" Hanamaki asked as he saw the second year volleyball ace run out of the school gates.

"IT'S TODAY!!" was all Iwaizumi had to say for Hanamaki to nod and wish him good luck. Iwaizumi rushed to his destination with a huge smile on his face. He was excited.

Once he reached his destination, he stopped to take a breath. He observed every single student that walked out of the gate. Iwaizumi waited for one specific student to appear. He glanced at his wristwatch and tried to remember if the student had practice today.

"Who's that?" He heard a few girls giggle behind him.

"I don't know but he's kinda hot."

He shivered. This must be what Oikawa feels everyday. How can he even feel this way? Iwaizumi can't stand it.

"Hi there." One of them tapped his shoulder. Iwaizumi looked at her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. Iwaizumi raised a brow. "May I know why you're here at our school?"

"Uh.. yea, is Kageyama Tobio still here?"

"Oh. The loner?" She scoffed, which made Iwaizumi squint his eyes at her. "Yea, he's always at the gym practicing by himself. Not like anyone would."

"Why wouldn't anyone join him for practice?"

"No one likes him. Him and his bossy behavior on court deserves no friend or teammate." another one interfered. "Why are you looking for him anyway?"

"So the gym? Thanks." Iwaizumi walked away. The girls just watched him walk into the school with pouty lips.

Iwaizumi looked into the gym and saw Kageyama practicing his serves. Iwaizumi scanned around the gym and found only Kageyama there. So the rumors were true.

"Hey." Iwaizumi greeted as he stepped into the gym.

Kageyama glanced over and replied his greet. Iwaizumi gave him a smile. Kageyama didn't even smile back. He just picked up another ball and continued practicing his serves.

"Tobio-kun. Can you toss to me?"

Kageyama raised a brow. He looked at Iwaizumi who placed his bag down and took off his volleyball team jacket. Kageyama just went with the flow.

"So... did you think about it?" Iwaizumi asked as Kageyama set a ball to him. Iwaizumi slammed it down to the other side of the court. Kageyama stared at the ball as it rolled away.


"Yes?" Iwaizumi looked at him hopefully. Kageyama looked at him. "Yes as in, yes you have thought about it or yes as in yes—"

"Yes as in yes I will date you." Kageyama said as he tossed a ball again.

Hearing that, Iwaizumi lost focus and forgot to spike the ball. He fell to the floor and the ball fell on his head. Kageyama snorted. Realizing what he did, he shook his head and tended to Iwaizumi.

"Are... you okay?" He asked.

"Honestly. I feel like the happiest person alive." Iwaizumi confessed. Kageyama was glad that Iwaizumi wasn't hurt.

Iwaizumi placed his hand on the back of Kageyama's head and pulled him into a kiss. This obviously took the younger by surprise as this was a first for him. Kageyama's eyes were wide open when Iwaizumi kissed him but knowing that this is normal between lovers he closed his eyes. Iwaizumi didn't feel Kageyama kissing back because the younger wasn't even doing so. Iwaizumi took it that he might be really terrible at expressing his emotions. As usual.

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