Hyung Line
– Kim Seokjin
"Hey, princess where are you going looking that gorgeous?" Soomin snapped her head to the kitchen where the voice came from. Seokjin was there standing with a water bottle in his hand and the other on his hip.
"Uh… I'm going out with some friends?" Soomin hesitantly uttered, earning a disapproval look from the man in the kitchen. "We don't answer a question for a question, Soomin."
Soomin decided to ignore Seokjin's sass, walk to the fridge to get her choco milk. She didn't notice the man trailing behind her. Soomin only knew it after Seokjin pinned his arms to the kitchen counter, trapping Soomin between his arms.
In instinct, Soomin turned around and see the grin on Seokjin's face. Not a smug face or a smirk but the teasing grin on his face. "Oh, looks like you won't be with your friends then."
"I'll keep you by myself now," Seokjin added as his face darkened while he slowly moves his face closer to Soomin. The young lady turned her head away as the red tint crawl up to her face.
She gets conscious about how close Seokjin's face to her, and she knows Seokjin can see how red her face was. Soomin didn't know why the boys are doing this act but sure it affects her somehow. She can see Seokjin keep on moving his face to her until his nose almost contacts with her jaw. Yet it sends shivers to her spine, goosebumps to her skin. The only thing Soomin did was push the man in front of her and rush to the front door holding face.
Seokjin sees how the girl flushed red, as she rushes down to the door. Seokjin giggled before holding his lips recalling the sensation he felt earlier. "Make sure to bring back some food, Princess."
– Min Yoongi
Another normal day for the group, everyone is doing their business. The rap line is already in their studio while the vocal line is in their practice room and playing definitely without Soomin. The girl was walking hall to hall, on her way to Yoongi's studio.
Soomin already delivered the foods for Namjoon and Hoseok, as her co-vocal team got it from her before she can step into the room and devour the foods she got for them.
Soomin smiley hops her way to the Genius Lab with foods for her and Yoongi. She put the password without ringing the bell and stepped into the small studio.
"Yah didn't I told you to ring the bell before going in." Yoongi greets her with scolding back facing Soomin while the young lady didn't care at all.
Soomin put down the bag on his small table then flopping down the couch. "I brought foods."
Yoongi just nods before working again, putting back his headphones.
"Twin." Soomin teasingly grins making the man groans at the nickname the girl gave him, he likes it a bit but not how Soomin says it when she's teasing him in front of the members and the staff. It makes him look like a small fluffy ball of sunshine like Hoseok and it's out of his likings, a little bit.

Her || Bts 8th Member
Fanfiction_____ "You can tear a bit, let the changes break you a bit but don't let it shattered you to pieces. But if it happened I promise to put you back in one piece." ..... "Do you want to cry? I might not have shoulders like Seokjin oppa but it's still c...