members' thoughts for Soomin

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Kim Namjoon

"Soomin is sensitive girl, although she act tough she can't lie and hide her sensitive self from me I'm good at reading people. She flexible and get can along with new people around her but she will know who is true and not. She my sensitive cutie Mini. Sometimes, she will sit beside me and start talking, ranting about things in the world. That's her when she wanted to talk, not the normal 'how are you' conversation. Soomin is too intelligent for things like that.


Kim Seokjin

"That girl act so shy went we first met with Jungkook. That two wouldn't talk if you didn't talk to them first but Jungkook open to us eventually unlike Soomin. But I'm not saying I don't like her for that but I know she is a girl, if I'm like her. I wouldn't really trust quickly guys around me. I like her for that being conscious around herself. Soomin is our princess even sometimes she wouldn't act like one because of being too loud for a lady. When I hear her swore, I was shock then saw her smiling so innocent after that unholy word came out from her mouth. I scrubbed her mouth after that. With steel wool.


Min Yoongi

"Soomin and I talk with each other after the event happened when I saw her crying by the near park at our first dorm. Since that day she follow me everywhere like a lost puppy. We have a lot of commons, although unlike her she lives with silver spoon on her mouth. She has the 'down to earth' personality and I like that. Sometimes, it creeps me out when she will sit beside me and stare at me while I'm doing lyric writing. I change my password in my studio many times but I don't know how she know about it.


Jung Hoseok

"Min-ah is my baby sister, I take care of her since she was a small girl. We first met at our old dorm and she just bow to us then talked with slow voice, I think it was so cute of her. Eventually after her opening to us and became close, she started to be loud and demanding like a leader, that's cute anyway. She's my baby angel! All and boys started to be more careful and take responsibility of her as our sister. I like giving her gifts that's my way to show her I love her and care for her. She's really tiny and cute.


Park Jimin

"Mini is really sensitive physically and emotionally, but we don't take her as a burden. When we knew she has allergy, she woke up with red nose and puffy eyes before that happened she played with the dog at the park and starts sneezing. That day I promised to take care of her. She doesn't stop playing and holding dogs or cats. She's a bit of a rebel. It's fun watching her and Taehyung fighting for my attention and she will pout and ignore me when I choose Taehyung over her. I always see her observing us went we have practice and smiling herself, I know she's happy having us with her. I am too.


Kim Taehyung

"Soomin is my partner at fashion, We both has same scene in fashion but she has a her signature piece. She helps me with my wardrobe and I help her. Soomin likes helping others and literally forgetting about herself. That's the bad and good of her, but now my members are taking good of our sister, so she's safe. But whenever she and I fight for Jimin's attention, it's a different situation. Our Soomin have Jungkook so she can have him. Soomin really know how to make people feel loved or appreciated. Sometimes, when I'm silent like I'm always, she will ask if I'm fine and try to talk to me. She's good at consoling peole.


Jeon Jungkook

"Soomin is short and acting like a grandma with Yoongi hyung she adopted his environment. Soomin knows me really well, like Namjoon hyung, she understands people and even know what they were thinking. I like teasing her because I like to see her annoyed face but it doesn't mean I don't care for her. Actually I do, all of us cares for her. Soomin is doesn't want other's money she likes bragging about her things and money as if we don't have that too. She likes saving up, then spend all of it the mext month. She really thinks so mature for her age I want to be like that yet at the same time being careless. I appreciate her so much.


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