Seokjin walks back and forth from the living room to the front door. Well, while Yoongi sigh for once more watching the worried man, waiting for the stubborn and "rebellious" lady they live with. Yoongi wouldn't call Soomin rebellious but as she said, she is one.
The lady was out for more than an hour now, enough to make the older get anxious for what she's doing or where Soomin said is.
But Soomin is Soomin, when she gets excited and enjoys things she will go along until it lasts.
The boys were in their rooms and three kids of them, with Jungkook are in the process of waiting for the girl to get back. Jungkook cackled at the show, pointing the screen of television for his hyung. Yoongi just smiles a bit and looks back to his hyung.
"Stop walking around hyung, there's nothing to worry about," Yoongi said, trying to calm down the man but instead of thanking him. Seokjin glare at Yoongi making him shrink a bit on the couch.
"What... Soomin might be with some boy and you're saying there nothing to worried about." Seokjin snaps, emphasizing "worried" in his sentence earning Yoongi to shut his mouth and Jungkook silently laughing at their drama.
They stay there, like that. Seokjin worrying about the troublesome lady and Jungkook shoving snacks to his face.
Until Jungkook's phone rings.
Seokjin and Yoongi watch him pick it up and then nods and humming as if he understands what and whoever it is.
"What do you mean you have a baby?" Jungkook exclaims before shoving another handful of chips in his mouth. The other boys rush into the room with Taehyung who's still in his robe, clearly just got out from the shower.
Seokjin heard it listening with wide eyes. While the boys start to shouts and attacking the evil maknae to get his phone.
"Like a child or.. a boyfriend?" Soomin chuckled on the other side. Amused by the confused boy.
Soomin has been thinking about introducing the "baby" she's putting her time on and her little brother, Woojin too. Of course. She took her time doing some research and ways, and how to get one. And now she has one.
Soomin opens the door letting her brother go in first while she holds his bag for his overnight with her, and the boys.
With the beeps before Soomin gets in, the boys rush to the front door towering Soomin and her brother.
"Ah, It's nice to see you again, hyung-nim." Woojin greets them with a respectful bow before getting a grasp on his sister's hand.
Soomin giggled at Woojin as Taehyung looks at the little man like he's going to attack him, any soon. The boys already have a hangout with the little man and for the record, it isn't the first time Woojin would stay over to their dorm. Bang PD know and sejin too, they both let Soomin have time with her brother when she can.
"Woojin-ah." The boys cooed at the Soomin's brother making Woojin hold tightened on her hand. Even Woojin knows them he's still shy around the boys except for the man who is "hurting" his noona, Jungkook.
"Hey don't attack him.. that's my baby." Soomin dramatically whines reaching for Woojin that's already in taehyung's arms. The little man giggled as Taehyung snuggles into him.
"Hyung." Woojin shyly whines but letting the man hug him even more.
"So it's Woojin you're talking about," Seokjin asked the lady who is in a crouching position with her arms spread in the air waiting for Woojin to run back to her.
"The baby?" Seokjin added.
"Yes but no." Soomin sheepishly grins, reaching for the bag beside her.
The boy curiously looks as she moves it. Soomin unzipped it and opening the meshed side of the bag. The boys' eyes widened when they heard whimper after whimper from the small bag while Soomin tries her best to take out whatever is in there.
"Meet coconut, boys!" Soomin beams doing the iconic position in the lion king when Rafiki holds up Simba at the cliff.
The boys are surprised when Soomin lift the tiny pug from the bag, the little puppy is trembling because of the unfamiliar place he was now.
"What, aren't you allergic to them." Jungkook said using the "as a matter of fact" voice to Soomin who said answered him by the look on her face.
"Do I look like I care, bunbun? Nope." Yoongi chuckled at Soomin's answer.
"Now if you excuse me, my baby bro and coco. We'll be in my room." Soomin walks away with Woojin waving bye to the boys as he drags his bag following his noona.
"Did she just sass on us?" Hobi giggled between his words, totally surprised by the young lady's words. It's not Soomin never do that but it's more boldness than she usually does.
"Let her be." Namjoon states trying to calm the awkward atmosphere Soomin left them in.
"Soomin wait for me," Jungkook whines running to the hall to Soomin's room.
Some of you thinking Soomin is a lesbian?!😶 Yeahhh maybeeeee she isss
Anyhow,new chap and new baby pug I hope you enjoyed meeting Coconut..
Please do vote comment and follow and also dms always open don't hesitate the to talk with me if you want..want advise talk to me I love giving advise.
*Disclaimer picture not mine it's just for more information for Coconut altho pugs kinda look similar.

Her || Bts 8th Member
Fanfiction_____ "You can tear a bit, let the changes break you a bit but don't let it shattered you to pieces. But if it happened I promise to put you back in one piece." ..... "Do you want to cry? I might not have shoulders like Seokjin oppa but it's still c...