"Oh wow." Soomin awed by the pictures, scrolling through her private Instagram account. The young lady finally got away from the boys for some reason after they got no practice for the day but just to stay inside the agency building.
Soomin was actually busy writing lyrics not until she just districted and somehow got in the app. She just keep it cool, fangirling over the artist she follows.
Until she saw Hoseok, no the other one. Lee Hoseok as in Wonho.
Soomin gape in awe as she looking close up to his shirtless post. Soomin narrowed her eyes with stupid pervert grin on her face. She closed up the first picture, getting a good look at his well built abdomen before sliding to the next one. She began to make 'oh' sounds, staring at his muscles. She looked crazy squealing on the lounge area alone, kicking her feet in the air and slapping her shoulder as the other one hold her phone.
But then she stopped with soft giggles and decided to comment on his post. She giggled on every words she typed.
"You look so flaming hot, nice one Soomin." A voice behind her uttered, with a deep serious tone.
She panickedly turns, pulling her phone close to her chest with yelp. Jeongguk looked down at the young lady with frown on his face. The two looked at each other for solid minute until Soomin couldn't get to look at him anymore.
"What are you doing?" Soomin cleared her throat, scratching her head before she put her phone back to her pocket.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking that? I thought you're writing lyrics, huh?" Jeongguk said, boring hole in to Soomin head while the girl doesn't look at him. She can't and she won't.
"Wonho hyung, huh?" Jeongguk dryly chuckled, walking painfully slow towards to her while she consciously stepped away from him.
"Jeongguk! Soomin!" The two turned to see Jimin grinning while gesturing them to follow him. Jeongguk glared at Soomin as the woman didn't bothered to look at him.
The group finally went home earlier than their usual dismissal. Soomin jumped off the van and run to their home as quick as she can and locked her door. Seokjin looked at Yoongi as they watched the woman as she run for her life, but Yoongi just shruggged his hyung's look.
Before the two bumped by the muscle pig which made them also fall forward from the impact. "Sorry hyungs."
When Jeongguk finally got inside their dorm, he quickly went to the kitchen to see if the young lady was there. Only to see it's empty. He quickly get his daily dose of banana milk before he creep to the woman's room and knowing twice. He twisted the knob and fortunately for him, it opened.
"Where's that girl?" Jeongguk creepily giggled as he tried to search for the lady. He scanned through the organized room and see only her things and no Soomin around.
Not until to loud thud from the bathroom. He even heard the woman swore making him chuckled knowing that Soomin was already frustrated inside the bathroom. He barged in and see Soomin hiding on the bathtub which made him giggled how she's oblivious of her top head sticking out.
"What are you doing there, Kang?" She flinched and immediately stood up from her hiding spot.
Why she's hiding? She didn't even know too.
The two panicked when Soomin yelp as she her feet lift through the air. But before any serious accident happen, thankfully Jeongguk caught her by her waist pulling her close to his body. The two stared to each other for straight two minutes, holding their breaths and starting deep into one's eyes.
"What are you two doing?" The two maknae snapped their heads to the door. Yoongi stood there looking bored yet there's still a hint of amusement in his eyes.
But Yoongi didn't made Jeongguk loosen up his hold from the young lady, and more likely just put Soomin on her feet and pulled her closer by her waist. Soomin brows contract for second befoe she shrugged.
"Hyung, do you like wonho hyung?"
"What? What kind of question is that?" Yoongi stood still, unbothered by the maknae's questions. Because it's not offensive at all.
"I saw Soomin looking at her phone, on wonho hyung's pictures." Yoongi looked at the young lady which made Soomin grinned and shruggged.
"What's up with her looking to him?" But Jeongguk stopped by then, he didn't bother to talk but Soomin knew that the boys were talking with their eyes.
Soomin was lost looking back and forth on Yoongi to Jeongguk. Until some of the gang also joined them there. At her bathroom.
"What are you doing in here?" Namjoon popped up, peeking his head from outside the bathroom.
"What are you even doing here? This is my room, you're not allowed in here." Soomin complained pushing them out from her space. She slammed close the door with the boys outside.
"Do Soomin likes bulky men?" Jeongguk asked but the men were cut before they can even answered him.
"No I don't!" And Soomin answered it instead.
Hi, byeeeee
Stay safe and healthy!

Her || Bts 8th Member
Fanfiction_____ "You can tear a bit, let the changes break you a bit but don't let it shattered you to pieces. But if it happened I promise to put you back in one piece." ..... "Do you want to cry? I might not have shoulders like Seokjin oppa but it's still c...