JungMin: Jungkookie got scared

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The two maknae were in the living room with the phone on their hand. The other members were out while Yoongi, Seokjin, and the two younger members were at the house. The sleepyhead is sleeping in his room at the older man is playing. The younger ones are quiet as they sit there a few feet away from each other. No one wanted to talk and just shut up waiting for their pizza and chicken.

They're going to have a movie night at the time of nine in the evening. Soomin's stomach suddenly makes a sound, grumbling just the thought of pizza and chicken. Jungkook chuckled sliding next to the young lady watching as she pats her stomach.

Soomin let out a sigh after the bell rang and Jungkook stood up to get it with his wallet in his hand. After a few minutes as the young lady looked and waiting for Jungkook to come back, the man did. Jungkook walked to her and put the boxes of chicken and pizza with a large bottle of soda.

The two started to eat as the movie was set at their large TV in the living room. The lights are still on as they like it to be like that. The maknaes watched the movie, eyes are focused on the same spot without looking anywhere for half of an hour.

The movie is almost done when the two stopped eating after Jungkook ate all the foods. Even Soomin wanted to eat more she just slapped Jungkook's arm and focus on the movie again.

The character in the movie walked in the dark with a flashlight as they followed the footsteps and it stopped at the wall. With a second the ghost appeared with an oxygen mask at on his dried face. Jungkook flinched because of it and scooted near to Soomin while the young lady remains unbothered.

Jungkook tried his best not to cause any sound and suddenly held the girl's shoulder attempting to scare her. The girl looked at him with her annoyed face and flicked the older's forehead. Jungkook pouted and scooted closer hugging the younger girl from the side. Soon Jungkook feels his eyes get heavy and close itself to sleep.

The young man woke up and the TV was already turned off. He tried to find the girl beside him earlier. He stood up and went to the kitchen to look for her. Thankfully the girl is there standing near the fridge, she seems zone out. She didn't even move.

"Soomin-ah, let's sleep now," Jungkook uttered as he let out a yawn then rubbing his eyes soon he opened his eyes the girl isn't there anymore.

"I'm want to sleep." Jungkook murmured to himself after he chuckled and started to walk back to his room. He saw the girl walked to the hall back to her room he guesses.

The bathroom lights were on and the door opened revealing the Soomin drying her hands with her pajamas. She looked at him as the boy's eyes are widened and ready to get out of its socket. Jungkook froze there still looking at the girl. I thought she went upstairs. Soomin walked back at the living room putting all the trashes together. Jungkook followed her and watched every move she does

"I thought you already went up?" Jungkook mumbled. He couldn't talk properly and his mind still kind of blank.

"I went to the bathroom while you're sleeping earlier," Soomin uttered without looking at the older man as she cleans their trashes and puts it in the bag.

"But I saw you went up."

"Don't talk like that, I went to the bathroom and when I got out you're at the front of the door." She fought to tie the bag and put it in the kitchen. Jungkook still following her. Soomin pulled out banana milk and hand it to him as he accepted it.

The two spent half hour from the kitchen. Soomin was trying to talk to the older man as he always gave her a short reply. Jungkook was focused on what happened earlier. It scared him a bit and wanted not to sleep even a blink of it. Soomin kept telling him that she was in the bathroom when he woke up.

Soomin offered him to sleep with her as he nodded and walked there, to her room. Jungkook shivered and clung closer to her as the girl giggled. He laid down beside her closer and hugged her. Soomin knows why Jungkook was like that. Maybe the movie scared him too much and got scared of the dark. The younger lady mentally notes to herself to not leave Jungkook after watching horror and turn the lights on.

Jungkook swore that he won't ever watch horror without anyone with him. And of course, to sleep with someone after that scary night he has and he will. The two members clung to each other as they fell asleep.

In the morning Seokjin woke up and looked for the two after he couldn't find the younger boy in his room. Seokjin knows that they might be there and he guesses it right. Seokjin smiles and closes the door. But then he screamed loudly after he saw the mannequin stand with wheels that arrived last week. It was tied up with thread and the string is connected to a rolling thing that can pull it closer to it.

Seokjin went to the kitchen and screamed again after he saw a white dress and wig that wore to mannequin stand. Seokjin knew what's going on and sure thing it work after he saw Jungkook sleeping in your bed.

Sometimes Seokjin thinks where you get that being prankster and pulled it well. And especially you being a handyman that even gave efforts for your pranks. That's why you're busy passed week and packages arrived too much that for you.

Seokjin turned around to see your figure get in the bathroom near the kitchen. Soomin really knows how to scare them, her steps don't produce sound at all, scaring them even unintentionally.

"Oppa." Seokjin flinched when he heard her voice behind him with glass on her hand.

"Aren't you in the bathroom?" Soomin just made face at Seokjin's question and left the kitchen after saying "no."

"Maybe it's the woman, I see every day here." Soomin's words made Seokjin shivered into his spine and he swears he didn't want to see your face while you say that sentence again.



*EDITED 10/7/20

Have you ever experienced paranormal things? For me..I do have.

There's some spirits in my school, they even left footprint in our table, for the fact it's only 3 inches small and there's no child in our school coz it's high school. It's creepy, really.. we used that to scare the juniors😅

Anyway, stay safe and healthy guys!


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