NamSoo| Night Time

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"Joonie please get ice cream for us." By that demand Namjoon stood up walking back inside.

Soomin and Namjoon were staying outside that night, Namjoon got Soomin agreed with him to join her at her star gazing. Soomin didn't agreed at first but when Namjoon mentioned that she can asked him whatever she want he will do it. Soomin thought it was a nice deal and at that time she's not regretting anything. Soomin tensed up when she see white thing lift through the corner of her eyes. Then it meows.

Just a cat.

Soomin quickly stood up and jogged to the white cat at called her. The one Soomin been seeing again and again after she fed it. The white cat always got in their dorm at their veranda, he always got his way to jump up there. Soomin melts when he meow again leaning to her touch, if that sight will continue her heart will explode any moment.

"Hey, aren't you allergic to them." Namjoon's voice makes Soomin flinched, she didn't expect him to got back soon.

Soomin only pulled the cat and back to her seat, putting him on her lap as he curled there. After that everything got silent again, Namjoon didn't even bother to scold her. Soomin won't listen anyway, the girl is hardheaded the boys can't make her change her mind even Yoongi.

The two eat their ice cream in silent just enjoying their presence, having each other's company. The two will always come to think and understand each other. Their nature is kind of the same and that makes them understand that silence. The two love how the stars glittered, the scenery makes them remember their favorite sight.

"Have you ever think if you're satisfied with the life you're living right now?" With that words it makes Soomin looked at the older.

"What, you don't want your life right now?" Namjoon shook his head and smile at Soomin's words.

"I do, I really like it to be honest. I got you guys, to live with you and have my long friends with me even we don't get to live the normal 20s life. I'm still happy I guess I'm don't process the whole thing we've reached here now."

Soomin nodded, Namjoon is right to be honest. After Soomin things she have done from the past and auditioning and to be transferred at Bighit she didn't regret anything of it. Soomin never will.

"Yeah, I just got to be trainee for my parents' attention and nothing anymore but now I got you guys. I don't have anything to regret." Soomin giggled at the thought younger her. The girl who have everyone's attention until she reached 10 everything changed for her perspective.

"I remembered when you always treat us, making Taehyung and Hoseok buy us foods especially ice creams." The two laughed together remembering the se moments they still sharing until now.

"I won't forget when you and Tae shove the popsicles into your mouth just not to get caught by the staffs." Sweet sounds of laughter is just heard. Soomin remembered how Taehyung almost choked at the popsicle and Namjoon's face when he got brain freeze.

"Well, the time when we see your bank book and debit card laying around our first dorm. We just look down at it like how can girl have millions of won in her account and spend money for one day that we spend for week." Namjoon said with his exaggerated face making Soomin laugh at him.

"For a daughter of both big company directors it's possible. And it's limited, the money I can use for month." Soomin clarified, Namjoon chuckled and nodded along with the laughing Soomin. Namjoon still remembered how Soomin didn't know how to do chores except for cooking. Always having Seokjin to cook for her and complain when she's washing her clothes. The girl would always complain about the dorm and put her clothes at laundry service.

Soomin is a typical rich girl.

But those money, Soomin really don't need them for long until she got full mind. Thinking that money was nothing at all when her parents are far away from her. How funny to think the silver spoon life girl joined the entertainment industry just to have her parents' attention.

"I didn't regret getting here with you, nothing at all. Even when I had to live in small room with you at least I got great friends for that small sacrifices. And I won't hesitate to call you my family since, until now." The cat junped down from Soomin's lap after she finished her words.

Namjoon looked at the girl beside him, he wouldn't deny that Soomin grew into beautiful and clever woman. The girl they help and practically raise along with the boys. The shy girl who have her lots of clothing when they first met became the demanding girl full of secrets.

Soomin looked at Namjoon and smile with her bright smile she can give, much stunning than the stars for him. Who would think at Soomin been holding things behind her bright smile. A woman at her early 20s that gives them courage and strength to stand up at their tough time together.

"I don't regret anything too. Im satisfied having you guys around." Namjoon said, pulling Soomin closer to him. Soomin lean on his shoulder feeling his warmth that night. The two sighed in content at the same time, observing the glittering stars above.

"Is this where we should kiss?" Namjoon burn red almost pushing Soomin off the couch, and having crack up at his face. Soomin doesn't really changed until now.



Yo~ this the real update now and I'll write about YoonSoo flicking forehead theme one not now but i will.

QOTD: How you get into kpop? What you're journey and who made you got into it? Say you're answers might help into coming chaps.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chap. Please do vote comment and follow me here and ig to see anything I'll post (no need to like it just see it)

Stay safe and healthy everyone. And don't waste your money unlike me🤧

-pjbangtan 💜

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