Chapter 9

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Hours had passed by. I seemed to be the only one having my eyes open. Which didn't bother me. I liked the stillness of it all. I enjoyed it. Since yesterday had been very chaotic, I never thought I would appreciate it as I did. It was silly, really.
Growing a bit tired overtime, I wanted to wake the others for them to take their shift. I viewed our little group sleeping away, from where I was sitting. They looked so peaceful, compared to who we really are. Trained assassins. Murderers. Who could easily kill you within a split second, and enjoy it.
Gosh. How have we come to this? The capitol trained us like savage monkeys then put us in a zoo. None of that mattered though. It's not like we could do anything about it. The Capitol had the upper hand. They always did.
Suddenly. I heard a swift rustle of the leaves. Someone's here. Another crackle of leaves caught my attention. Then I could only make out what appeared to be a tall figure. Whoever it was, and whatever their intention was, they were walking towards me.  And fast. I could feel the adrenaline move towards my head. Thinking, what my next move would be. I slowly grasped a knife that I had placed on the ground, hours before.
"Who's there?" I yelled. Alerting the others of our new visitor.
The figure came closer.
Glimmer and Cato started waking up, while Marvel didn't move or even make a sound.
"What's going on, Clover?" Cato said.
Glimmer laughed.
"So you guys have nicknames for each other?" her voice sounded nice, but what I could make out from the expression on her face, she was infuriated.
"Shut up, Glitter! So what if he has a nickname for me?!" I whispered.
She folded her arms.
"For the last time, it's Glimmer."
I knew that. She knew I knew that. I just wanted to get on her nerves.
"Shhh! Someone is here."
All of the sudden, I felt a big woosh of air, making a mess out of my already idiotic brown hair.
"Whoever you are, do you really think you can beat us?" Cato shouted while clenching his sword. I had almost forgotten how soothing Cato's voice has been.
"You're outnumbered now. Give up while you still can!" I joined in on Cato's arguments.
Was this mysterious figure, ever going to show themselves? It was becoming more aggravating by the minute.
"What should we do?" Marvel asked, looking up at Cato.
"Search the grounds, left and right." I replied. I wasn't going to let Cato be the leader of the group. Although he seemed to take that position beforehand, I wanted to lead them. Besides, only one of us can win, and if you didn't know, I was planning on being the next victor.
They grudgingly followed my orders.
Cato and I searched the part of land to the left, while Glimmer and Marvel searched the right of the cornucopia.
"I'm shocked Clover," Cato said, "I didn't know you could boss around people like that."
"Thanks." What was that supposed to mean? " Could we please focus on finding this guy? I don't want to have this creep thinking like they can just walk around, without notice."
He looked a bit disheartened.
"Yeah, of course. Let's find this sucker and kill the heck out of them."
We shared a little laugh. Then my mind went back to that thought I had had moments before.
I didn't know if I wanted to kill another human being. Taking a life away from another human being.
"Hey, are you okay?" Cato held my hand. "You look a bit tense."
My eyes started getting a bit watery. I felt so ashamed. I was making a fool of myself.  I was just glad I was here with Cato and not one of the other tributes.
"Clove, don't worry, we're gonna find this guy." I nodded, pretending to agree with what he was saying. He lunged towards me, giving me another hug, which I relished in the moment.
" I know you're thinking about that child you killed. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, if you need any consolation" he whispered in my ear.
Of course he knew the real reason I was panicking. He knew me for who I really am.
I nodded, again. Trying to keep away the tears. But they kept coming in like a hurricane.
I heard yelling from Glimmer on the other end of the cornucopia.
Breaking free from Cato's arms, we both sprinted to see what all the ruckus was about.
"We found him!",  Marvel and her were holding a distressed man captive.
I didn't recognize him, and it didn't look like Glimmer did either.
Then I remembered. I had seen him before, but he wasn't that memorable.

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